Hello, sorry for the beginner question. i have this configuration: - a server hosting a website with ISPConfig 3 (www. example.com) - managed by me - mail server for the same domain not managed by me. I need the website to send emails (with from @ example.com) to MX of the same domain (on the mail server). Is there a specific way to do this in ISPConfig? Thanks, Regards,
I would recommend using a external SMTP server to send the emails. Depends on what kind of website it is (WordPress, own code, etc) how you shall implement that.
Same Problem.. Postfix Transports examples.com Messages locally. You can deactivate Mailservice in this domain, but now the Messages wont dkim signed. I solved that a few Month ago with Single Line Change in rspamd to Sign local Messages in php Sendmail. I dont know how anymore since isp config update.
rspamd signs messages from local networks by default (sign_local = true, perhaps what you did was add the ip address of your webserver to the local_addrs list in options.inc? If so just use /etc/rspamd/local.d/local_networks.inc instead and it will persist future reconfiguring by ISPConfig.
When i try to deactivate Mail Service on example.com, dkim is deactivated too. Should i have to Change the configuration manually? (Dkim Keys etc. ) When i activate the Mailservice for example.com all Messages are dkim signed but Mails to example.com delivered locally.. but the Mailer Daemon Mails "Mailbox not found" from example.com was send to external Mail Service by MX entry.
Ah, so you are DKIM signing on your web server, not your mail server. I'm trying to think of what you might have done that is a single line change like you state and not coming up with anything offhand. You could set a single key for a default in the server, but you both have to generate such a key (and publish dns record) as well as make more than a single line change to use it. So not sure what you did there, but as you note, the ISPConfig ui doesn't currently support DKIM signing of domains which only send mail (and similarly doesn't support authenticated sending of domains which only send).
I have a workaround maybe.. I add a Email Routing in active Email Domain from example.com to smtp.example.com. Next Problem was a Arc Check fail, i deactivate local signing for Arc and alls good for me. Any Idea? Thanks for Answer.
I have dkim and mailservice activated in Webpanel, then i make a forward Route in Webpanel from example.com to example.com to solve local Transport as external Transport. Now i send a Email via PHP Sendmail from [email protected] to [email protected], the Mail is forwarded and signed three Times, but on external MX the delivered Email have three dkim and Arc Headers. arc=fail (i=1) (Bad ARC header in chain: ARC-Authentication-Results[1]: bad resinfo) smtp.remote-ip=4 Now i deactivate local Arc signing and the Error ist gone. But IT ist not the best choice?
ARC failed, but DKIM signing with the same key worked? If you want to dig into that more, you will probably have to post real info (eg. actual domain name to verify dns, actual message headers/body from a test message) before long. It probably doesn't matter much at this point, not many things make use of ARC signing at the moment, though expect to see more use of it in the future. Eg. Microsoft just recently announced support for customers to specify trusted ARC forwarders (the idea being they can ignore DMARC failures for those forwarded messages if the message was ARC signed by a forwarder that the customer trusts, and the ARC signer/forwarder says the message was good).
Dkim and ARC worked, the error ist the last Problem. Its a single Domain Installation, so i can deactivate lcoal ARC to solve the error. I think its the Multiforward for same Address. local smtp->local smtp forward ->external smtp->external smtp mail antispam forward ->inbox I Think the ARC error is correct. i wrote a Email to myself forwarded by myself to myself from a host that do not match Original MTA/Inbox to my own Inbox Ah okay thanks