ISPconfig 3 and Docker

Discussion in 'General' started by HitoDev, May 2, 2022.

  1. HitoDev

    HitoDev Member

    I'd like to install Docker after having installed ISPC 3*
    Is there some particular precaution to take to prevent accident
    or is there absolutely no problem to install Docker from CLI along ISPC ?
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Search the forum, there are threads on that topic already. Personally, I won't use Docker to install ISPConfig as not all features in ISPConfig will work then like website quota. To run virtualized instances of ISPConfig, better use KVM.
  3. ahrasis

    ahrasis Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    I think he means to use docker in an ISPConfig server environment which I think is possible. However, more details are needed before any of us can see what accident or problem you may or may not have.
  4. HitoDev

    HitoDev Member

    Yes absolutely.
    I have a Debian server with ISP Config
    Distributor ID: Debian
    Description: Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)
    Release: 10
    Codename: buster
  5. Slayer

    Slayer New Member

    Hi HitoDev,
    have you tested docker on a host with the ISP already installed?
    I would like to test n8n in a container running on a server with the ISPC, as it only uses the default port 5679 I think there is no problem.
  6. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    You can run Docker containers on your ISPConfig server, as long as ports don't collide, there will be no issues.
    Slayer likes this.
  7. haouhaou

    haouhaou New Member


    Can someone give me a list of all the directories that ispconfig modify, i want to test them on docker volumes for persistence with the automate perfect server debian 11 on a container ?

    thanks very much and excuse my poor english.
  8. ahrasis

    ahrasis Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    For websites, ISPConfig will create a specific website folder under /var/www/ but docker by default will create folders on its own which is different from ISPConfig. You may need to change the root folder for each website created with docker as they will not be under /var/www folder like the one created by ISPConfig. I am not that well versed with docker but it may also be possible to install to other directory like the one created by ISPConfig.
  9. haouhaou

    haouhaou New Member

    If Ispconfig is installed in a container it create a folder inside this one, i use ispconfig for its graphic interface and just for one web site, it’s make easy for me because i’m new on server installation, i read before that container do not support quota, if i understand well quota is for multisite to set limit on memory, i don’t think quota block ispconfig install, i need to know what files and directories are modified by ispconfig for persistency with volumes.
  10. ahrasis

    ahrasis Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    I do not think we've ever advised to setup an ISPConfig server via linux container moreover via docker container as this was never properly and/or successfully done before.

    We do welcome any such attempts to make that possible though please also note that we do not normally provide any support specifically for any such container's setup.

    So with regards to your request, I think it is best if you could learn about what are the changes made by ISPConfig by either setting it up and/or read its code, as that may be quite lengthy to discuss.

    To achieve that simply setup a minimal server in a (virtual) machine and then install ISPConfig thereafter using its Auto Installer following the respective Perfect Server Tutorials that we have here.
  11. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    And that's exactly the issue why we do not recommend using Docker, using a normal virtualization system which is persistent by default is way better for a hosting system. You can use e.g. KVM or even a container solution like LXC if you don't need quota. The reason why Docker is a bad choice is that you would have to make a lot of things persistent which would prevent rebuilding the docker image easily at the end, so using Docker makes not much sense here. Docker is a nice tool, but only for systems that run a single service and do not have to change the whole OS environment on regular basis as it#s done by a Hosting Control Panel. A Hosting Control panel like ISPConfig modifies config files of many services, adds Linux users, creates jails based only system files etc. So you basically would have to make the folder /etc persistent, the /root folder, /usr/local/ispconfig, then also many things in /var (e.g. /var/log, /var/vmail, /var/lib/mysql, /var/www and maybe other subdirectories).
    ahrasis, RalphGL and Th0m like this.

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