My Server is rejecting hotmail and outlook; Whitelists not working

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by patopattone, Sep 9, 2022.

  1. patopattone

    patopattone New Member

    Hi Howtoforge people!!! First of all english is not my languaje... sorry if I have some errors in my writing.
    I'm having trouble with my ISPConfig Server running on debian 10. My server is rejecting mails coming from and; the error the sender receives is that the message was detected as suspicious or spam. The mail never reaches the inbox. I have disabled spam filter for the domain, put and in spam filter whitelist and postfix whitelist; I did the latter both from the ispconfig interface (Global Filters / postfix whitelist) and using the like this in the following tutorial: ip-addresses-in-postfix
    Emails from hotmail and outlook sometimes enter the server but most of the time they are rejected.
    Any idea what is happening?
    Thanks in advance.
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Post the exact error message from mail.log that gets logged when an email is rejected.
    patopattone likes this.
  3. patopattone

    patopattone New Member

    Looking mail.log I think I have found the error; in the postfix whitelists on global filters I wass adding as sender and I have to add it as client... is this ok?
    Another newbie question: If I add in the postfix whitelists on global filters, do I need to add it as "rbl_override" on as mentioned in this tutorial: ip-addresses-in-postfix
    Thanks in advance Till!!

    This is the mail.log
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    According to the log, the email from outlook was not rejected. It even got a negative score which means it got trusted. Ading outlook to a whitelist should not be necessary at all. So most likely you have a different issue and you just cure one of the symptoms with the whitelisting. But I can't help debugging this without getting the rejection message from log. I suspect you might e.g. have an issue with Spamhaus, which started blocking legit email when using a public DNS resolver on your system, so if you use Spamhaus blacklist, either remove it from your server or take care your server uses a local DNS resolver and not Cloudflare, google or similar.

    I don't recommend using any of what's in that guide on an ISPConfig server.
    patopattone likes this.
  5. patopattone

    patopattone New Member

    I have my own DNS; one on the same ISPConfig server that has the mail server too. I'm not finding a rejection message in mail.log; I have disable spamfilter in domain section of ISPConfig interface but apparently this does not disable spamhaus; which is the correct way to disable it.
  6. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    system > Server config > mail, email blacklists.
    patopattone likes this.
  7. patopattone

    patopattone New Member

    Thanks Till!!!

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