ISPConfig 3 Job Queue gets stuck

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by ThomasBatchelor, Nov 21, 2019.

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  1. ThomasBatchelor

    ThomasBatchelor New Member

    Hi, hoping I can find some help here, I'm trying to delete a database from ISPConfig panel and it has blocked the job queue, and now if I make any other changes (like make/change an FTP account for example), they just get stuck in the queue as well. I'm not sure where to start looking properly but I'm happy to show any logs etc if needed, just say what/where they are :')

    Thanks in advance!
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

  3. ThomasBatchelor

    ThomasBatchelor New Member

    Thanks for the reply - I changed the log level to debug but then this just gets added as a job to the queue - which is stuck :L After a few minutes nothing extra shows in the System Monitor either.

    Also doing the crontab thing gives me this output:
    21.11.2019-13:22 - WARNING - There is already an instance of server.php running with pid 14540.
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    This does not matter as this value is read directly from database by the server script.

    Please poist the full output, not just one line.
  5. ThomasBatchelor

    ThomasBatchelor New Member

    That is the whole output - crontab.png
  6. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    ok. Which ISPConfig version do you use?
  7. ThomasBatchelor

    ThomasBatchelor New Member

    ISPConfig 3.1.13 - If a server restart would be any benefit then I can do that but I would prefer not to as I have websites running on it and would rather they weren't down.
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2019
  8. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Thats an old ISPConfig version. You should update to the current one, unless you run centos 6.

    If you can't update to a recent ispconfig version, try to kill the process:

    kill 14540

    and then run again and check which output you get.
  9. ThomasBatchelor

    ThomasBatchelor New Member

    Thanks - new output is this:

    21.11.2019-13:46 - WARNING - There is already a lockfile set, but no process running with this pid (14540). Continuing.

    21.11.2019-13:46 - DEBUG - Calling function 'check_phpini_changes' from plugin 'webserver_plugin' raised by action 'server_plugins_loaded'.
    21.11.2019-13:46 - DEBUG - Found 4 changes, starting update process.
    21.11.2019-13:46 - DEBUG - Calling function 'db_delete' from plugin 'mysql_clientdb_plugin' raised by event 'database_delete'.
    21.11.2019-13:46 - DEBUG - Calling DROP for redacted with access rw and hosts localhost
    21.11.2019-13:46 - DEBUG - DROP for user redacted at host localhost

    Then it seems to be stuck - it's not finished outputting but no further progress
  10. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Ok, that's quite uncommon. What did you change on your system before this started, did you install a different mysql or mariadb version or did you exchange the php version?
  11. ThomasBatchelor

    ThomasBatchelor New Member

    Haven't made any changes that I can think of that would affect it. I may have changed the PHP version a while ago unintentionally and not needed to make any changes on the server since - what version should it be running on?

    EDIT: Nevermind - only have PHP7.0 installed on that server
  12. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Did ispconfig wworked after that without issues? Die you replace the system php version or did you install PHP 7.0 as additional PHP?
  13. ThomasBatchelor

    ThomasBatchelor New Member

    It's worked fine for a year or so, only ever having this version of PHP on it, no other additional versions at all.
  14. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    hmm, ok. Try this, open the dbispconfig database in phpmyadmin, go to the server table and increase the value in the 'updated' column by one to skip the current transaction, then try to run again.
    Jose C. and MaKa like this.
  15. ThomasBatchelor

    ThomasBatchelor New Member

    That looks like it's done it! Thank you so much. I've uncommented the cronjob and made another test change and it worked too. Thanks again!
  16. holykim

    holykim Member

    This is quite an old thread, but it helped me a lot to solve my issue, and I want to share how to resolve the sync issue between master and slave servers.

    I had trouble with the job queue and found a permission issue that doesn't allow updating the server table on the master server from the slave server. It seems to be a bug on 3.2.8p2. I manually updated the table permission and it seemed to be working fine.

    Unfortunately, I found another job queue issue on the master server's own services, even though the other services on the slave servers were updating well.

    The reason why the master server malfunctioned was that there was no data in the 'sys_datalog' as I deleted them while I was resolving the sync issues. The 'server' table still had numbers that have been updated thus the master server didn't do anything as it believed that the job queue in the 'sys_datalog' had been finished.

    Yea, that's it. Please be aware when deleting log data manually. I wasted half a day resolving the issue, and this thread helped me to resolve it.

    Thank you.
  17. Jose C.

    Jose C. New Member

    This works!, tnks man
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