Hi All, I recently changed the root mysql password. Then the FTP server stopped running, I found the config file here: /etc/pure-ftpd/db/mysql.conf which uses the MySQL password, so I updated it. That allowed pure-ftpd to start again, but now, anything I try with FTP says 'authentication failed' Have I missed another step? Thanks, Richard
Further to my issue: I missed this in the syslog: Nov 15 07:03:34 web2 mysqld: 2022-11-15 7:03:34 239059 [Warning] Access denied for user 'ispconfig'@'localhost' (using password: YES) However, I can login with to mysql with the ispconfig user and password: mysql -u ispconfig -p (logs in) but still get the above error when trying to connect via FTP: Nov 15 07:29:23 web2 pure-ftpd: ([email protected]) [ERROR] The SQL server seems to be down [Access denied for user 'ispconfig'@'localhost' (using password: YES)]
Further to this: I just tried to add a database to ispconfig, it shows up as created in ispconfig, but not if I login to mysql from the command line then do: show databases;
Further to this: I hadn't updated the root password here after changing it: /usr/local/ispconfig/server/lib/mysql_clientdb.conf ISPConfig was not able to access the mysql database to create anything. However ISPConfig doesn't tell you anywhere it has a password failure trying to access mysql. Should this be a feature request? If ISPConfig fails the credentials to access root@localhost?
Normally I would run ISPConfig update after changing root password especially after using its AI. There new root password would need to be entered to reconnect ISPConfig back to the database. Then I would reconfigure permissions and all services thereafter.
As @ahrasis pointed out, the MySQL root password is not used by pure-ftpd to connect to MySQL. Also, ISPConfig is not using MySQL root password when you login to ISPConfig nor when you create something in ISPConfig. So neither your ISPConfig login problem nor the pure-ftpd failure are related to changing the MySQL root password (except you manually altered config file sof ISPConfig services in the past and set MySQL root user and password there instead of using the MySQL user ispconfig. The password in /usr/local/ispconfig/server/lib/mysql_clientdb.conf is only used during ISPConfig software updates and when you add a new MySQL database and database user in ISPConfig.
Thanks Till, Yes, with the entry to the issue being FTP not working, it was a case of correlation is not causation. Afte discovering databases were not being created, though ispconfig thought they were, was when I realised it was ispconfig not able to update the database. What do you think about a flag somewhere in ispconfig that shows it can't access mysql?
this section: ' /usr/local/ispconfig/server/lib/mysql_clientdb.conf is only used during ISPConfig software updates and when you add a new MySQL database and database user in ISPConfig.' is all the time when making a wordpress site.
This section: So neither your ISPConfig login problem nor the pure-ftpd failure are related to changing the MySQL root password Actually, there wasn't an ISPConfig login problem, but a create database problem.
You can see that in the ISPConfig monitor. And it should be obvious that when you change MySQL root password, then this must be changed as well in all applications that you use to create databases.
Agreed re: this comment: And it should be obvious that when you change MySQL root password, then this must be changed as well in all applications that you use to create databases.