Squirrelmail 10 Easy Steps Howto

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by EvdM, Sep 30, 2006.

  1. EvdM

    EvdM New Member

    Thanks for the article, just what I was looking for!
    Only, I am afraid the 'Easy' bit does not fully apply to me...

    I have set up according to the instructions (except in Step 3, I used '/home/www/web1' instead of '/var/www/web1'. Do I miss a symlink there, I run Perfect Setup Debian Sarge?)

    Unfortunately, I do not find squirrelmail at: webmail.mydomain.nl. It just gives me an 'Firefox can't find the server at webmail.mydomain.nl'.
    The regular 'www.mydomain.nl' works fine.

    I have not selected the 'Create DNS' or 'Create DNS-MX' options for any of the sites which I host. Might that be the cause of this problem?

    Thanks a lot for any suggestions!

  2. Hans

    Hans Moderator Moderator


    I am happy that the "How to" is useful for you and of course for anybody else.

    At the beginning of my "how to", i mentioned that i assume that your webs are stored under /var/www/.

    This can be established, if you setup ISPConfig in "Expert" mode as descibed here: http://www.ispconfig.org/manual_installation.htm

    I guess that you have setup ISPConfig in the "Default" mode, which means your webs are stored under /home/www instead of /var/www.

    So, if you read /var in my "How to" it probably /home for you and it has nothing to do with symlinks.

    Be sure that webmail.yourdomain.tld or better *.yourdomain.tld points to your webserver.
    You can check this in the DNS-records of your DNS-provider.

    I hope that i've answered your question now.
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2006
  3. EvdM

    EvdM New Member

    Thanks, I have settled things with my provider and the domain is on-line.
    I still have one thing which bothers me; I need to point my browser to:


    instead of what I would expect:


    It seems that I still have a configuration issue somewhere.
    Any further suggestions? Thanks a lot.

  4. Rocky

    Rocky Member

    I think you should have used a subfolder within your web folder because if you setup a website, you'll have a problem with you index files.

    You basically want squirrelmail in a subfolder because then you could setup a DNS entry that looks like this:

    var/www/web1/web/squirrelmail <-- squirrelmail folder
    DNS entry http://webmail.domain.tld --> http://www.domain.tld/squirrelmail/

    With this configuration, you can open your webmail by going to webmail.domain.tld.

    Hope this helps.
  5. EvdM

    EvdM New Member

    Thanks a lot. I see this point.
    However, I still have 2 minor questions around this proposed solution:

    • I am not sure how to create the DNS entry which you specify. Can this be done in ISPConfig or should I contact my provider for that?

    Please excuse all my ignorance...

  6. Hans

    Hans Moderator Moderator

    In my Squirrelmail how to, i used http://webmail.mydomain.tld just as an example.
    Of course you can setup in the web of your choiche.
    If you want your Squirrelmail installed in a folder like http://www.mydomain.tld/webmail for example:

    Create a folder in your web of your website, which is called webmail. (web/webmail).
    In this folder you install Squirrelmail.
  7. Rocky

    Rocky Member

    If your provider hosts your DNS, then you will have to get them to create it for you. Just explain that you need an entry that points wemail.yourdomain.tld to http://www.yourdomain.tld/webmail/, webmail being the folder that you used to install squirrelmail in.
  8. estokwa

    estokwa New Member

    i went tru the how to for squirelmail but when i am done and trying to access my mail.domian.tld it gives me the apache 2 test page. my file is located at /var/www/web1/web/
  9. Hans

    Hans Moderator Moderator

    On an ISPConfig server, the Apache screen is always visible when you've setup your server,
    while there is no web created (yet) in via ISPConfig.

    It has nothing to do with the "within 10 easy steps howto itself".

    I guess there's something wrong with your DNS settings, within your server and/or pointing to your server.
  10. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    What's the output of
    ? What's in Vhosts_ispconfig.conf?

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