Rspamd 100% CPU use.

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by Hans-Linux, Jan 3, 2023.

  1. Hans-Linux

    Hans-Linux New Member

    Ispconfig 3, Debian 11 VirtualBox Guest. Rspamd causes 100% CPU load. VirtualBox configured for 4 CPU's and 4GB RAM, CPU is AMD btver2 with 4 cores. When I disable rspamd CPU load drops to near 0%. If I move the VirtualBox to a PC with a AMD znver1 or AMD znver2 CPU the CPU load is normal.
    The VirtualBox hosts are Gentoo systems. Used Ispconfig for many years on Debian 9 and earlier on the AMD btver2 until Christmas without any problems.
    Is there a solution?
  2. Taleman

    Taleman Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

  3. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Especially check the mail.log and the mailqueue, maybe your system is just sending or receiving a lot of emails because of an attack.
  4. Hans-Linux

    Hans-Linux New Member

    Rspamd Status:
    root@server-1:/etc/init.d# /etc/init.d/rspamd -l status
    Usage: /etc/init.d/rspamd {start|stop|restart|reload|force-reload|reopenlog}
    root@server-1:/etc/init.d# /etc/init.d/rspamd status -l
    ● rspamd.service - rapid spam filtering system
    Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/rspamd.service; disabled; vendor preset: enabled)
    Active: active (running) since Tue 2023-01-03 18:56:18 AEST; 13s ago
    Main PID: 21363 (rspamd)
    Tasks: 1 (limit: 2938)
    Memory: 89.0M
    CPU: 13.371s
    CGroup: /system.slice/rspamd.service
    └─21363 /usr/bin/rspamd -c /etc/rspamd/rspamd.conf -f

    Jan 03 18:56:18 server-1 systemd[1]: Started rapid spam filtering system.
    Jan 03 18:56:18 server-1 rspamd[21363]: 2023-01-03 18:56:18 #21363(main) <73fce1>; main; main: rspamd 3.4 is loading configuration, build id: release
  5. Hans-Linux

    Hans-Linux New Member

    - root@server1:~# /etc/init.d/rspamd stop'
    - root@server1:~# rm /var/lib/rspamd/*.*
    - root@server1:~# reboot
    - login server1 as root
    - root@server1:~# top
    - check rspamd CPU use
    - wait until rspamd CPU use drops to near 0. It takes about 15 minutes with my server.
    - root@server1:/# /etc/init.d/rspamd status
    Output should be similar to this:
    ● rspamd.service - rapid spam filtering system
    Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/rspamd.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
    Active: active (running) since Tue 2023-01-03 20:44:07 AEST; 13h ago
    Process: 7080 ExecReload=/bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
    Main PID: 589 (rspamd)
    Tasks: 6 (limit: 2938)
    Memory: 149.8M
    CPU: 1min 42.690s
    CGroup: /system.slice/rspamd.service
    ├─ 589 rspamd: main process; 0.1 msg/sec, 0.0 msg/sec spam, 0.1 ms…
    ├─7084 rspamd: rspamd_proxy process (localhost:11332)
    ├─7085 rspamd: controller process (localhost:11334)
    ├─7086 rspamd: normal process (localhost:11333)
    ├─7087 rspamd: normal process (localhost:11333)
    └─7088 rspamd: hs_helper process

    Jan 03 22:06:03 server-1 systemd[1]: Reloading rapid spam filtering system.
    Jan 03 22:06:03 server-1 systemd[1]: Reloaded rapid spam filtering system.
    Jan 03 22:07:02 server-1 systemd[1]: Reloading rapid spam filtering system.
    Jan 03 22:07:02 server-1 systemd[1]: Reloaded rapid spam filtering system.
    Jan 04 00:00:20 server-1 systemd[1]: rspamd.service: Sent signal SIGUSR1 to…est.
    Jan 04 00:00:20 server-1 systemd[1]: rspamd.service: Sending signal SIGUSR1…est.
    Jan 04 00:00:20 server-1 systemd[1]: rspamd.service: Sending signal SIGUSR1…est.
    Jan 04 00:00:20 server-1 systemd[1]: rspamd.service: Sending signal SIGUSR1…est.
    Jan 04 00:00:20 server-1 systemd[1]: rspamd.service: Sending signal SIGUSR1…est.
    Jan 04 00:00:20 server-1 systemd[1]: rspamd.service: Sending signal SIGUSR1…est.
    Hint: Some lines were ellipsized, use -l to show in full.

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