http to https, cert and SSL

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by ABatisa, Feb 7, 2023.

  1. ABatisa

    ABatisa New Member

    (Ubuntu 20.04 - IspConfig 3.2.9) I can't enable http to https redirection. I put a check mark and it stays, but does not show website.
    SSL is checked. Client wildcard ssl is added.
    When I remove check mark and leave http everything is ok, but when I put check mark redirect to https. The site is down.
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Is there a cms installed in that website? if yes, did you configure the cms for https already? E.g. if you install Wordpress with http and not https, then enable https redirect, then the web server redirects from http to https and Wordpress redirects you back from https to http, so you produce a loop and the site will not show up. The solution is to reconfigure WordPress (or other CMS) for https before turning on the redirect.
  3. ABatisa

    ABatisa New Member

    Moodle. Yes I understand.
    when i set up in config.php https it stops working.
  4. Taleman

    Taleman Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

  5. ABatisa

    ABatisa New Member

    Thanks for your work around Taleman.
    I am familiar with Moodle. Here's something else.
    When i write, https site is not available.
    I tried various versions, here I write https, put ssl and check redirect. Doesn't work at all.
    Works only http, like now

    Attached Files:

  6. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Ok, so there is no problem with SSL redirect but with SSL. If SSL does not work, then enabling SSL redirect must fail of course, as you enforce traffic redirected to a protocol that's not available for the site. So the next step is that you enable SSL in the site settings and either create an SSL cert on the SSL tab if you want to buy a cert from an SSL authority or enable let's encrypt for the website. If Let's encrypt checkbox gets unticked after a minute, then LE refuses to issue a cert for this site, in this case see FAQ to find out why:

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