Hi, I have migrated a multi-server to a new single-server with the migration tool. It worked great. But now some certificate files under ~clientX/ssl are outdated, although the new certificates are already in /root/.acme.sh/. "Server Migration Mode" is and was always off. What is the reason for this and what can I do? I have tried to deactivate and reactivate SSL, no change. Not all web pages are affected. Best Marc
Was the old setup using certbot? Migration tool can not migrate certificates from certbot to acme.sh, so you would need to recreate all certificates with acme.sh now. I think it would be good to remove the old certificates that were created with certbot first. There are threads discussing this, use search tools to find them.
the acme logfile seems to be clean. the renewal worked but no hint about the copy process to customers ssl dir
Have you tried in website settings turning off the certificate, wait until the red circle at top of window goes away, then tick the certificate back on? If that does not help, try https://forum.howtoforge.com/threads/lets-encrypt-error-faq.74179/
i don't inow if this might help but I would force update ISPConfig opting to reconfigure all services during that process and thereafter try to run ISPConfig resync tool at least for all web sites and files.