Ispconfig 3.2.10 and PHP 8.0

Discussion in 'General' started by jamez, Jun 4, 2023.

  1. jamez

    jamez New Member

    Hello there,
    I have upgraded Ispconfig to 3.2.10 and tried to get rid of php 7.4.
    I have removed php 7.4 from my system and get ispconfig working without php7.4 but now I have one issue: on every page on left hand side I have always "Latest news" frame.
    I have it on debian bullseye, and php 8.0.28, ispconfig is serverd by nginx.
    Is it due to php 8.0 or there is some other reason? How can I investigate?

    Thanks for any help in advance

    Attached Files:

  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Yes, your issue might be related to exchanging PHP versions. Which error do you get in the global nginx error.log?
  3. ahrasis

    ahrasis Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    As @till said. You can try restoring to default php7.4. In doubts, multiple php tutorial or debian upgrade tutorial or both should cover that.
  4. jamez

    jamez New Member

    Thanks for the reply.
    Unfortunately, no errors are recorded at /var/log/nginx in error.log

    I have edited my post (2023-06-06 at 09:50) to avoid additional messages:
    After installing again php7.4 and modifying nginx site config file, ispconfig works as it should.
    So... problem is resolved, but php 8 support still needs more work.
    If there is something to test I can do some testing at my side.
    Thanks for your support and great work on great project ISPCONFIG :)
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2023
  5. Frans Luteijn

    Frans Luteijn New Member

    If you want to get rid of PHP 7.4, try looking at System -> Server Config -> your webserver -> Web -> PHP Settings. Most likely the PHP 7.4 settings are still there. It took me a while to find these settings.
  6. ahrasis

    ahrasis Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Multiple php version for web sites will only available for such selection if you did install them following its tutorial. However, his issue is about ISPConfig user interface which is more towards default php for the server itself and this must first be fixed via command line interface (cli).

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