with amavisd clamd was running. Does rspamd also needs clamd? After the switch to rspamd i see a high cpu load from clamd if i look at the yum log Sep 11 09:53:53 Installed: rspamd-1.9.4-2.x86_64 Sep 11 15:01:41 Erased: clamav-0.101.4-1.el7.x86_64 Sep 11 15:03:16 Installed: clamav-0.101.4-1.el7.x86_64 Also i see Spamassassin daemon running. im a little bit lost what rspamd needs and what can be removed savely any ideas?
clamd is used by rspamd in the same way amavis is using ist. amavisd should not be started after you switched to rspamd.
Yeah I know but I have to disable clamd as it consume too much memory. I disabled clamd when I was using amavis but later amavis replaced with rspamd and clamd activated again!
Try to stop clamd, if mail still works, uninstall clamd. I have not tried that yet so you have to check what happens.
If you replace amavis with rspamd, then rspamd is going to use the same key under /etc/amavis/dkim/ You don't need amavis to be activated for that. But if you don't use neither amavis or rspamd, you are going to miss DKIM.
An old thread, but I was looking for this information as well, since ISPConfig 3 auto-installer installs both rspamd and clamav, with clamav alone consuming most of the memory. According to the "Rspamd modules" page, "To disable an entire module you can set enabled = false; in /etc/rspamd/local.d/${MODULE_NAME}.conf". So: sudo cp /etc/rspamd/local.d/antivirus.conf /etc/rspamd/local.d/antivirus.conf.clamav sudo echo 'enabled = false;' > /etc/rspamd/local.d/antivirus.conf sudo systemctl restart rspamd sudo systemctl stop clamav-daemon clamav-freshclam sudo systemctl disable clamav-daemon clamav-freshclam Email delivery seems to be working properly afterwards.