One of my customers likes to add a lot of entries to the spamfilter blacklist. He wants to use wildcards like *@* Is there any option to offer this feature - maybe regex instead of simple wildcard? I am sure most important for him are the subdomains, which are often used (,, ....).
For * write "", at least that is what ISPConfig Manual Chapter Blacklist says. Are you saying you tried this and it does not work? For blacklisting *, there is this article: Read also the comments. If you are running RSpamd, that might have it's own methods, I do not know of those.
Using "" is working! My customer just was not informed about the correct syntax. Your article you referred to was helpful. This gives me the oportunity to make some wildcard filters. The main problem is, that this is global and thus can only be done by an admin. Having a similar solution on the user-level would be nice - but not necessary. My customer is very "special", he is the first asking for this feature. In my old mailsystem I have Proxmox Mailgateway in front of the mailserver and with Proxmox it is possible on the user level to add such filters. If there is no simple solution to have such a function inside ISPConfig on the user level, I will not go ahead. I just thought there might be a simple solution which I have overseen. Thanks for you help.
That's possible as well in ISPConfig, see the email filter tab of the mailbox. There you client can add any kind of filter, no matter if its based on domain name, email address or email content.
Oh God - things are so easy. I must have been completely blind. With this filter my customer can do whatever he likes. Thanks for opening my eyes