ISPConfig / Rspamd

Discussion in 'Server Operation' started by minimediale, Jun 16, 2023.

  1. minimediale

    minimediale New Member

    I would like to know if anyone here has had the same problem as me.
    I performed a clean install of the latest version of ISPConfig on a Debian 11 system.
    I set up autolearning to train Rspamd with messages moved to inbox and spam.
    Everything works perfectly, but I would like the title of a message classified as spam not to come with the subject "***SPAM***".
    In the ISPConfig settings in Email / Policy / Normal / Rspamd, the SPAM tag method option is checked with the adds option "X-Spam: Yes", but even so the messages continue to come with the subject "***SPAM***"
    Has anyone ever experienced this?
    Thank you
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Try changing spamfilter of the mailbox or domain to another policy, save, then set it back to normal policy again. Might be that the change is applied on update of a policy only.
  3. minimediale

    minimediale New Member

    Thanks for your response.
    I've teied the process you mentioned, but messages keep coming with ***SPAM*** in the subject line.
  4. Taleman

    Taleman Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    • Are the e-mails coming via another system that adds the ***SPAM*** in subject line?
    • Does the header X-Spam: yes get added to the e-mail headers?
    • Have you read the complete headers of e-mails, to see the route it travels and maybe what gets added at what point in the travel?
  5. minimediale

    minimediale New Member

    Thanks for your answer. Emails are delivered directly to ISPConfig, and are tagged X-Spam:yes.
    The header also contains the X-Spam:yes flag.
    I have another server with the same versions and it works correctly, but I still couldn't find the difference. I even looked at the value in the database referring to the marking method and it is defined with the X-Spam:yes tag instead of the subject.
  6. pyte

    pyte Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Disable the subject rewrite in the rspamd interface or check rspamds action.conf and remove the "subject = "***SPAM*** %s"" line if you want it to be completly gone.
  7. minimediale

    minimediale New Member

    I'm still testing, but apparently the problem was solved by setting the following option: Email / Email MailBox/ Mailbox / MailFilter / Move Spam Emails to Junk folder / Move first, before custom rules. One detail is that I don't have custom rules. Taking the opportunity, one thing that wasn't clear to me is whether I have to manage RSpamd through ISPConfig or through the Rspamd console.
    Thank you
    pyte likes this.
  8. minimediale

    minimediale New Member

    Thanks everyone for the responses. The process I performed above actually fixed the issue, and now the messages arrive without the SPAM tag in the subject.
    One thing I still don't understand is whether we should manage the spam policy directly through ISPConfig or through the Rspamd console.
    ahrasis likes this.
  9. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Use ISPConfig only, using the Rspamd console can result in issues like inconsistent tagging like you saw it on your system and other faults.
    ahrasis likes this.
  10. minimediale

    minimediale New Member

    Thank you for your information, but on my system a clean installation was performed and everything was run through ISPConfig.
  11. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    I did not had the issue you encountering on my systems yet, or at least I did not recognized it, maybe rspamd changed some defaults or so. If its not configurable via ISPConfig, then it should be fine to use Rspamd GUI.

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