Does anyone know how I can setup an external email warning on ISPConfig? I'd like to prepend html in the body of all emails that are coming from outside the server. Thanks in advance
There is no function in ISPConfig for this, but I am sure it's possible to integrate something like that with Postfix. Not sure if this guide is up to date, but you might look at it and test it on a non-production system:
This is an OLD thread, but... Falco's HowTo does basically what it claims to do - adds a disclaimer to the end of an outbound message where the sender is in the list. But I'm looking for what the OP was looking for - a way to add a disclaimer to the beginning of the body of an email if the email is coming from outside of the ISPConfig server. Is there a way to do this with altermime, or is there a way to do it within ISPConfig that I haven't noticed yet? Thank you, in advance!