Hello, Sorry to bother you but I have this error, "ISPConfigOSException -> raspbian is not a supported distribution.", but raspbian is Debian 11 (Bullseye)... how can I get the auto installer working ? Thank you, Best regards, TS
Raspbian is not X86_64 architecture as required by the installer, some of the packages that get installed are not available on the ARM platform.
Thank you a lot for your reply, I installed no problem on my Pi2 your wonderful ISPConfig as there is Ubuntu 20.04 on it (previous version to install manually step by step). In this case I have a Pi Zero, that has the Debian 11 (they called it Raspbian), and it installed not problem the latest Php 7.x, and then started giving me the possibility to install and stopped by this instance/check. Does there is a way to remove it and try, as I am playing with this, so it's not a live/production, just fun... would be great if there was a way to circumvent, as it seems with Ubuntu ARM for Pi, that we can get things working. Can we bypass it, with a parameter on the command line ? I am happy to be a tester. Code: wget -O - https://get.ispconfig.org | sh -s -- --use-ftp-ports=40110-40210 --unattended-upgrades As you understand I am experimenting, and it's a test envrionement on my Pi Zero, that I just keep there for it, I installed Raspbian (Debian 11) and apache, php 7, etc... all latest no problem. Thank you TS
If you want to autoinstall ISPConfig, you would neet to rewrite the autoinstaller so it supports Raspian. Using the ISPConfig Perfect Server Howto should work, there are threads on this forum on successful installs on Raspberry Pi. It does need modifications to the install procedure, but you did write you did this previously so you should know how to do it.
Yes, I already installed on Pi2, with Ubuntu, and also on various other servers VPS (CentOS on datacenters with work websites/emails, I use it mainly for DNS on the Pi2, and have 2-3 websites on my fixed IP ( The Pi Zero is a 15$ hardware, and I added a board with USB/RJ45 to it bought on Aliexpress, working good... do you have the link to the latest of the tutorials to do the install by hand (with latest webmail Roundcube) ? Thank you ! TS
I did on aarch64 (ampere), works perfectly. Download the script with git, have to make some modifications: cd ispconfig-autoinstaller nano lib/os/class.ISPConfigUbuntu2204OS.inc.php comment the "sources.list" part nano lib/os/class.ISPConfigDebianOS.inc.php search for "rar" and subs to "p7zip-rar" ---------------------------------