In our ISPConfig installation, it is not possible to remove the "limit_directive_snippets" / "Show web server config selection" right for certain resellers. After unchecking the box and saving the reseller, the right still remains, and there is no error message (neither in the web interface nor in the server log). Are there any specific conditions that need to be met before this right can be removed?
In the meantime I figured out that the field template_master in the table client correlates to the issue. If template_master != 0 then it is not possible to remove the permission limit_directive_snippets. But now the question arises what the template_master field is for. Do you have informations on that @Th0m?
This means you selected a specific template to be used for the client limits. This means that the limits are defined by the template you selected and can not be set individually. You must either change the template if you want it to be different or you must deselect the template for the client and set limits individually for the client.
I was able solve the issue by removing the limit_directive_snippets permission in the templates. Thanks