Hello, Is there a way to change the order of the main menu items in the admin area? I have several installations and each of them is different. I would like to standardize the menu. Regards, Marten
Hi, if you are talking about this menu: This displays all "Modules" that are activated for the ISPConfig instance which may vary from Installation to Installation for example if one setup just manages Websites and another web,dns,mail. To my knowledge there is no way to change this in the settings but you should be able to change/activate/deactive the different elements within the corrosponding php file. On the top of my head i don't know which one it is but i could check if you want. Or are you talking about this one:
Ok so the file is /usr/local/ispconfig/interface/lib/config.inc.php and the lines in question should look like this: Code: $conf['modules_available'] = 'dashboard,admin,mail,sites,monitor,client,dns'; # ,help removed $conf['interface_modules_enabled'] = 'dashboard,mail,sites,dns,tools'; # ,help removed This only affects new users. The configuration for existing user can be found in the sys_users tabel. Example SQL: Code: UPDATE sys_user SET modules = "dashboard,mail,sites,dns,tools" WHERE modules = "dashboard,mail,sites,dns,tools,help"; Note: This changes it for all users where the modules list is like dashboard,mail,sites,dns,tools. You should match this to the id of your user in question, if thats what you are trying to achieve. This was used to remove the "Help" section completely. I'm not sure if this also decidedes the order of the items but i guess so. Shouldn't be hard to test
Mh. I cannot test it right now. Do the Installations have the same version of ISPConfig? Is the order of modules in the sys_users table different between the installations and does it corrospond to the order in the menu?