Hi, I have these errors during run of migration tools: Code: [9/9] <Website> processing mydoamin.eu with autosub www [ERROR] API call to mail_domain_add failed. See log file for details. [7/7] <MailDomain> mydomain.eu [ERROR] API call to mail_user_add failed. See log file for details. I opened log and found these errors: Code: 2023-11-28 10:04:25 - [ERROR] API call to mail_domain_add failed. 2023-11-28 10:04:25 - [ERROR] JSON API REPLY ERROR: dkim_selector_error<br /> As result, some domains were not imported, and therefore, e-mail accounts. Can we somehow import without DKIM, or we need to enable and define DKIM first in source system for mail domains? Thanks.
Does the source system may have invalid DKIM selectors set in the mail domains? Does the source and target system use the same version of ISPConfig? In a recent version the validation for DKIM selectors changed and you might hit an issue there. Could you provide a DKIM selector of one of the domains that fail?
Hi, Pyte, Source - ISPConfig 3.2.9p1, target - latest. I have some domains with DKIM off (they used only for web anyway). Other have "DKIM enable - On", keys present, but DKIM-Selector value empty. Could be that a culprit?
This should not be possible at all. The ISPConfig interface will not let you save the settings when the DKIM Selector field is empty. Did you add the values through the API or modified the values directly in the DB?
yes, that's the reason for the issue. Please enter a dkim selector an save on the old server. it was possible to save an empty dkim selector field in old ispconfig versions, but this was never intended and therefore current ispconfig systems require it to have a valid value in that field.