The following changes are not yet populated to all servers: - Firewall

Discussion in 'ISPConfig 3 Priority Support' started by conductive, Nov 29, 2023.

  1. conductive

    conductive Member HowtoForge Supporter

    I attempted to shutdown my firewall and restart it.
    It appears that I am not able to shutdown the firewall as the Red status dot never clears and I am not able to obtain a directory listing with Filezilla.

    Any Ideas on how to clear/fix what appears to be a firewall problem?

    debian 10.13
    ufw 0.36
    ISPConfig Version: 3.2.11
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2023
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

  3. conductive

    conductive Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Last edited: Nov 29, 2023
  4. conductive

    conductive Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Thanks for the reply.
    Here is the error log.
    What needs to be done?
    Kill the pid? or??

    root@mr2:/bin# /usr/local/ispconfig/server/
    29.11.2023-20:04 - WARNING - There is already a lockfile set, but no process running with this pid (8698). Continuing.
    PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function mysqli_init() in /usr/local/ispconfig/server/lib/classes/
    Stack trace:
    #0 /usr/local/ispconfig/server/lib/ db->__construct()
    #1 /usr/local/ispconfig/server/lib/ app->__construct()
    #2 /usr/local/ispconfig/server/server.php(51): require('...')
    #3 {main}
    thrown in /usr/local/ispconfig/server/lib/classes/ on line 83
    PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function mysqli_init() in /usr/local/ispconfig/server/lib/classes/
    Stack trace:
    #0 /usr/local/ispconfig/server/lib/ db->__construct()
    #1 /usr/local/ispconfig/server/lib/ app->__construct()
    #2 /usr/local/ispconfig/security/check.php(32): require('...')
    #3 {main}
    thrown in /usr/local/ispconfig/server/lib/classes/ on line 83
  5. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    No, the problem is that you are currently running a PHP version without MySQL support. See read before posting, chapter panel not showing up or error.
    Th0m likes this.
  6. conductive

    conductive Member HowtoForge Supporter

    I tried the "panel not showing up or error." and selected the appropriate php versions.
    I rebooted the server.
    the red status dot did not clear and is showing:
    • Update firewall rule: 2
    • Update server settings: 3
    I can confirm that this problem happened after apt update && apt upgrade -yj
    Not sure how to proceed?
    Just to confirm:
    cat /etc/debian_version
    update-alternatives --config php
    * 1 /usr/bin/php7.3 73 manual mode
    update-alternatives --config php-cgi
    * 1 /usr/bin/php-cgi7.3 73 manual mode
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2023
  7. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Do you still get the same error when running /usr/local/ispconfig/server/ ?
  8. conductive

    conductive Member HowtoForge Supporter

    cleared the red status dot but as soon as I turned the firewal on and off the red status dot catm back.

    root@mr2:~# /usr/local/ispconfig/server/
    PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '' (tried: /usr/lib/php/20180731/ (/usr/lib/php/20180731/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory), /usr/lib/php/20180731/ (/usr/lib/php/20180731/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)) in Unknown on line 0
    01.12.2023-08:57 - WARNING - There is already a lockfile set, but no process running with this pid (8770). Continuing.
    01.12.2023-08:57 - DEBUG [] - Calling function 'check_phpini_changes' from plugin 'webserver_plugin' raised by action 'server_plugins_loaded'.
    01.12.2023-08:57 - DEBUG [] - safe_exec cmd: grep ^opcache.validate_root '/etc/php/7.3/fpm/php.ini' - return code: 0
    01.12.2023-08:57 - DEBUG [] - safe_exec cmd: grep ^opcache.validate_root '/etc/php/7.3/cgi/php.ini' - return code: 0
    01.12.2023-08:57 - DEBUG [] - safe_exec cmd: grep ^opcache.validate_root '/etc/php/8.2/cgi//php.ini' - return code: 0
    01.12.2023-08:57 - DEBUG [] - safe_exec cmd: grep ^opcache.validate_root '/etc/php/8.2/fpm//php.ini' - return code: 0
    01.12.2023-08:57 - DEBUG [server:177] - Found 5 changes, starting update process.
    01.12.2023-08:57 - DEBUG [] - Calling function 'update' from plugin 'firewall_plugin' raised by event 'firewall_update'.
    01.12.2023-08:57 - DEBUG [] - safe_exec cmd: which 'ufw' 2> /dev/null - return code: 0
    01.12.2023-08:58 - DEBUG [firewall] - Stopping the firewall
    01.12.2023-08:58 - DEBUG [] - Processed datalog_id 4947
    01.12.2023-08:58 - DEBUG [] - Calling function 'update' from plugin 'firewall_plugin' raised by event 'firewall_update'.
    01.12.2023-08:58 - DEBUG [] - safe_exec cmd: which 'ufw' 2> /dev/null - return code: 0
    01.12.2023-08:58 - DEBUG [firewall] - Starting the firewall
    01.12.2023-08:58 - DEBUG [] - Processed datalog_id 4948
    01.12.2023-08:58 - DEBUG [] - Calling function 'update' from plugin 'apps_vhost_plugin' raised by event 'server_update'.
    01.12.2023-08:58 - DEBUG [] - Calling function 'update' from plugin 'network_settings_plugin' raised by event 'server_update'.
    01.12.2023-08:58 - DEBUG [network settings] - Network configuration disabled in server settings.
    01.12.2023-08:58 - DEBUG [] - Calling function 'update' from plugin 'postfix_server_plugin' raised by event 'server_update'.
    01.12.2023-08:58 - DEBUG [] - safe_exec cmd: which 'dovecot' 2> /dev/null - return code: 0
    01.12.2023-08:58 - DEBUG [] - safe_exec cmd: postconf -e 'address_verify_virtual_transport = smtp:[]:10025' - return code: 0
    01.12.2023-08:58 - DEBUG [] - safe_exec cmd: postconf -e 'address_verify_transport_maps = static:smtp:[]:10025' - return code: 0
    01.12.2023-08:58 - DEBUG [] - Calling function 'server_update' from plugin 'rspamd_plugin' raised by event 'server_update'.
    01.12.2023-08:58 - DEBUG [] - Calling function 'update' from plugin 'server_services_plugin' raised by event 'server_update'.
    01.12.2023-08:58 - DEBUG [] - Calling function 'server_update' from plugin 'webserver_plugin' raised by event 'server_update'.
    01.12.2023-08:58 - DEBUG [] - Processed datalog_id 4949
    01.12.2023-08:58 - DEBUG [] - Calling function 'update' from plugin 'apps_vhost_plugin' raised by event 'server_update'.
    01.12.2023-08:58 - DEBUG [] - Calling function 'update' from plugin 'network_settings_plugin' raised by event 'server_update'.
    01.12.2023-08:58 - DEBUG [network settings] - Network configuration disabled in server settings.
    01.12.2023-08:58 - DEBUG [] - Calling function 'update' from plugin 'postfix_server_plugin' raised by event 'server_update'.
    01.12.2023-08:58 - DEBUG [] - safe_exec cmd: which 'dovecot' 2> /dev/null - return code: 0
    01.12.2023-08:58 - DEBUG [] - safe_exec cmd: postconf -e 'address_verify_virtual_transport = smtp:[]:10025' - return code: 0
    01.12.2023-08:58 - DEBUG [] - safe_exec cmd: postconf -e 'address_verify_transport_maps = static:smtp:[]:10025' - return code: 0
    01.12.2023-08:58 - DEBUG [] - Calling function 'server_update' from plugin 'rspamd_plugin' raised by event 'server_update'.
    01.12.2023-08:58 - DEBUG [] - Calling function 'update' from plugin 'server_services_plugin' raised by event 'server_update'.
    01.12.2023-08:58 - DEBUG [] - Calling function 'server_update' from plugin 'webserver_plugin' raised by event 'server_update'.
    01.12.2023-08:58 - DEBUG [] - Processed datalog_id 4950
    01.12.2023-08:58 - DEBUG [] - Calling function 'update' from plugin 'apps_vhost_plugin' raised by event 'server_update'.
    01.12.2023-08:58 - DEBUG [] - Calling function 'update' from plugin 'network_settings_plugin' raised by event 'server_update'.
    01.12.2023-08:58 - DEBUG [network settings] - Network configuration disabled in server settings.
    01.12.2023-08:58 - DEBUG [] - Calling function 'update' from plugin 'postfix_server_plugin' raised by event 'server_update'.
    01.12.2023-08:58 - DEBUG [] - safe_exec cmd: which 'dovecot' 2> /dev/null - return code: 0
    01.12.2023-08:58 - DEBUG [] - safe_exec cmd: postconf -e 'address_verify_virtual_transport = smtp:[]:10025' - return code: 0
    01.12.2023-08:58 - DEBUG [] - safe_exec cmd: postconf -e 'address_verify_transport_maps = static:smtp:[]:10025' - return code: 0
    01.12.2023-08:58 - DEBUG [] - Calling function 'server_update' from plugin 'rspamd_plugin' raised by event 'server_update'.
    01.12.2023-08:58 - DEBUG [] - Calling function 'update' from plugin 'server_services_plugin' raised by event 'server_update'.
    01.12.2023-08:58 - DEBUG [] - Calling function 'server_update' from plugin 'webserver_plugin' raised by event 'server_update'.
    01.12.2023-08:58 - DEBUG [] - Processed datalog_id 4951
    01.12.2023-08:58 - DEBUG [] - Calling function 'restartHttpd' from module 'web_module'.
    01.12.2023-08:58 - DEBUG [] - Trying to use Systemd to restart service
    01.12.2023-08:58 - DEBUG [] - safe_exec cmd: systemctl is-enabled 'nginx' 2>&1 - return code: 0
    01.12.2023-08:58 - DEBUG [web] - Checking nginx configuration...
    01.12.2023-08:58 - DEBUG [web] - nginx configuration ok!
    01.12.2023-08:58 - DEBUG [web] - Restarting httpd: systemctl reload nginx.service
    01.12.2023-08:58 - DEBUG [] - Calling function 'restartPostfix' from module 'mail_module'.
    01.12.2023-08:58 - DEBUG [] - Trying to use Systemd to restart service
    01.12.2023-08:58 - DEBUG [] - safe_exec cmd: systemctl is-enabled 'postfix' 2>&1 - return code: 0
    01.12.2023-08:58 - DEBUG [server:217] - Remove Lock: /usr/local/ispconfig/server/temp/.ispconfig_lock
    finished server.php.
    PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '' (tried: /usr/lib/php/20180731/ (/usr/lib/php/20180731/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory), /usr/lib/php/20180731/ (/usr/lib/php/20180731/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)) in Unknown on line 0
  9. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Most likely you did not enable the cronjob again in root crontab. Run:

    crontab -e

    as root and remove the # in front of the line.
  10. conductive

    conductive Member HowtoForge Supporter

    edited the crontab file and all seems to be working.
    Moving forward is there any suggestions for doing server updates?
    apt update && upgrade -y appear to have upgraded too many things causing this problem.
  11. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer


    apt update
    apt upgrade

    That your system broke is really unusual.

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