I have replaced spamassasin with rspamd and have noted that ISPc overrights the RSPAMD options file located at /etc/rspamd/local.d/options.inc This means I cannot make changes to this file as per the RSPAMD configuration instructions. Specifically I want to dissable SEEE3 as my CPU doesn't support it. The instructions state to add "disable_hyperscan = true;" to the afformentioned file. Adding the same instructions to /etc/rspamd/options.inc doesn't work for me. Server: redacted (Debian Bookworm) ISPConfig 3.2.11p1 Rspamd daemon version 3.7.5 Any comments would be most helpful. Regards Fred
Correct, exactly as it should be as a control panel is made to control the services it manages and that#s done by writing config files for that service. This conclusion is completely wrong. You can easily override any config file written by ISPConfig by using a custom template. Copy the file /usr/local/ispconfig/server/conf/rspamd_options.inc.master to /usr/local/ispconfig/server/conf-custom/rspamd_options.inc.master and then adjust the file /usr/local/ispconfig/server/conf-custom/rspamd_options.inc.master to match your needs.
Thank you for that. I couldn't find documentation on that. However now I am confused as to how/when those changes take effect. Normally I would make changes to a relavent RSPAMD config file and simple restart the RSPAMD service. This modifies an ISPc config file. Regards Fred