I need your help, please. I am experimenting with using subdomains. I tried creating a new site for the required sub with sub1.mydomin.me.uk That did not work. I tried adding an A record for sub1 in the DNZ zone and then going to sub1.gregson.me.uk. That did not work, so I tried adding a CNAME record for sub1 in the DNS zone, but that also has not worked. Now it seems the letsencrypt cert is not working for my roundcube mail mydomin.me.uk/mymail. I accept there are two issues here, but I cannot work out what I have done for /mymail, but even more, I cannot work out why I cannot get a subdomain to work. I have tried including a "." dot and excluding it, but still, there is no go. Any pointers will be greatly received. Many thanks
You wrote but did not reveal what did not work and how it was not working. Can the subdomain be resolved from name service? If not, you can test with this method: https://www.faqforge.com/windows/how-to-access-a-namebased-website-without-a-dns-record/ Your post seems to mix gregson.me.uk and mydomin.me.uk, is this for a reason? Check what you have entered in name service and verify the names resolve as you intend. Assuming you created the website for subdomain in ISPConfig panel, show what you entered there.
Sorry Taleman, What I should have said is that the subdomain cannot be accessed, showing. Code: This site can’t be reached sub1.mydomian.me.uk’s server IP address could not be found. Try: Checking the connection Checking the proxy, firewall and DNS configuration Running Windows Network Diagnostics ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED
That looks like name service problem. Use https://www.faqforge.com/windows/how-to-access-a-namebased-website-without-a-dns-record/ to test the website is working. Then examine what is wrong with name service. My signature has link to dns setup tutorial, it has chapter on troubleshooting.
That name does not resolve from your name servers: Code: $ whois gregson.me.uk | grep --after-context=3 "Name servers:" Name servers: ns1.gregson.me.uk ns2.gregson.me.uk taleman@puhuri:/tmp $ host test.gregson.me.uk Using domain server: Name: Address: Aliases: Host test.gregson.me.uk not found: 3(NXDOMAIN) taleman@puhuri:/tmp $ host test.gregson.me.uk Using domain server: Name: Address: Aliases: Host test.gregson.me.uk not found: 3(NXDOMAIN) taleman@puhuri:/tmp
Neither do I. If only you would show what you have entered in name service for the not resolving name . . .
Since sub1 works in name service, compare that to what you have entered for the not working entry. There must be some difference.
Correct... I am showing that I have done the same for subdomains. My thought is that if one was working, copy the exact same thing to any new subdomains. That's how I set up my original sub so there should be no reason for it not to work for any new sub.
and there is no blinking red dot in the upper navigation bar of ISPConfig at the moment? So all changes have been written to disk?
The sub1 domain was working yesterday. I sent you a communication in this forum, you seem to have missed that. Look in your inbox, top right corner of this window. You should follow the troubleshooting instructions in my DNS tutorial, link in my signature.
That's interesting. I noted that I had accidentally deleted the sub1, so I have just reinstalled it, but now you are saying it's not working?
Have you checked with named-checkzone for errors in the zone file? Have you checked if the zone files have been copied to your two name servers?