Config Multiserver Only MySQL

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by Fran17, Feb 9, 2024.

  1. Fran17

    Fran17 New Member

    I am configuring ISPConfig Multiserver where one server has webservice, mail and DNS and the other server only has MySQL.
    I have everything configured and working, but I have realized that the Apache service is installed on the MySQL server, but it remains installed incorrectly.
    Is it normal for ISPConfig to install the Apache service when I put the --no-web variable in the installation?
    I leave you the command line that I launch during the installation:

    php /tmp/ispconfig-ai/ --no-mailman --no-firewall --no-quota --no-web --no-mail --no-dns --no-pma -- no-roundcube --i-know-what-i-am-doing
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Apache is a dependency of phpmyadmin and phpmyadmin gets installed on the database server.
  3. Fran17

    Fran17 New Member

    I have phpmyadmin installed on the web server (master) and I configure it to connect via internal IP to the MySQL server.
    But as I told you, the MySQL server leaves Apache unconfigured and with errors, so it doesn't stay up.
    Is there a way to tell ISPConfig not to install Apache?
    I understand that if this server is not going to have a web service, it is not necessary to install Apache, right?
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Then apache is a dependency of another package. Just stop and idsable it using systemctl command. You can try to uninstall it, but that might remove other packages you need, so better just disable it.

    If you worked with Linux before, then you might have heard the terms Linux distribution and package already. Debian is whats called a Linux distribution. The guys at Debian build software packages, basically bundles of software and its libraries. But such packages mostly have dependencies. A dependency is when package A insists that package b must be installed on your server. So in your case, not ISPConfig or the auto-installer installed Apache, instead, Apache is a dependency of another package used by the system. And that's also the reason why it is not configured, because it was not installed by ISPConfig, it was just pulled as a dependency of another required package. Therefore, just use systemctl command to disable it if you do not want it to be running.
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2024
  5. Fran17

    Fran17 New Member

    Ok, I'll leave it disabled. Thanks for everything!

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