Hello, I have a problem with the email messages from ispconfig3 for the email quota. The system continues to use the English language while the server and clients are set to the Dutch language. Anyone have any ideas? Regards, Ben
yes, with all kind of notifications, even made some conf-custom/mail and still it takes the wrong lang. can this be a database source?
No, not manual. //** Default Language and Timezone $conf['language'] = 'en'; $conf['debug_language'] = false; $conf['language_file_import_enabled'] = true; // Bool value: true / false
does this need to be adjusted? Thought the user's language was used for the notification template selection
As far as I know, the system language is used for these templates and that's where the system language is set for the server part.
Not at all, its not really obvious how to change the server-side language and we should provide a setting for that in the GUI indeed.