Postfix and Amavis after Debian 12 upgrade

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by ColonelPhoenix, Mar 4, 2024.

  1. ColonelPhoenix

    ColonelPhoenix New Member


    I'm having issues with some (not all) of my e-mails after upgrading Debian 10 to version 11 and then to 12 (Bookworm).

    Since the update e-mail messages end up being stuck in the mailq with the message :
    status=deferred (delivery temporarily suspended: connect to[]:10026: Connection refused)
    This seems a bit weird because amavis is not running on this port the output of sudo netstat -tap | grep 100 is :
    tcp        0      0 localhost:10023*               LISTEN      928/postgrey --inet
    tcp        0      0 localhost:10024*               LISTEN      1080951/amavisd (ch
    tcp        0      0 localhost:10025*               LISTEN      2964180/master    
    tcp        0      0 localhost:10027*               LISTEN      2964180/master    
    tcp6       0      0 localhost:10023         [::]:*                  LISTEN      928/postgrey --inet
    tcp6       0      0 localhost:10024         [::]:*                  LISTEN      1080951/amavisd (ch
    Command grep -ri 1002 /etc/postfix shows :
    /etc/postfix/ = check_policy_service inet:
    /etc/postfix/ = amavis:[]:10024
    /etc/postfix/ = check_policy_service inet:
    /etc/postfix/^/ FILTER amavis:[]:10026
    /etc/postfix/ = check_policy_service inet:
    /etc/postfix/ = check_policy_service inet:
    /etc/postfix/ = amavis:[]:10024
    /etc/postfix/ inet n - n - - smtpd
    /etc/postfix/ inet n - n - - smtpd
    /etc/postfix/^/ FILTER amavis:[]:10024
    Command grep -ri amavis /etc/postfix shows :
    /etc/postfix/ = amavis:[]:10024
    /etc/postfix/^/ FILTER amavis:[]:10026
    /etc/postfix/ = amavis:[]:10024
    /etc/postfix/ unix - - - - 2 smtp
    /etc/postfix/^/ FILTER amavis:[]:10024
    Finally grep -ri 1002 /etc/amavis/ :
    /etc/amavis/conf.d/20-debian_defaults:$inet_socket_port = 10024;   # default listening socket
    /etc/amavis/conf.d/50-user:$inet_socket_port = [10024,10026];
    /etc/amavis/conf.d/50-user:$interface_policy{'10026'} = 'ORIGINATING';
    A few more things :
    • I already ran --force (after the upgrade and then after noticing the issue)
    • PHP default version has been updated to 8.2
    • I tried restarting the services manually
    • I have another Debian 12 ISPConfig (freshly installed from Debian 12 ISO and ISPConfig script) and noticed it's not running amavis at all
    Can someone help and tell me what I'm doing wrong ?
  2. Taleman

    Taleman Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

  3. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    New setups are using Rspamd. When your old setup used amavis, then it will stay an amavis setup, which is perfectly fine. If you want to convert the setup to amavisd, see here:
    ahrasis likes this.
  4. ColonelPhoenix

    ColonelPhoenix New Member

    Yes, I did.

    Alright thanks for the precision. I'm quite used to Debian but not so much with e-mails related services.

    By the way I'm not sure if this is useful but I'm not using the server as a mail server, just allowing webdevelopers to send e-mails from websites through postfix.
  5. ColonelPhoenix

    ColonelPhoenix New Member

    After a bit more investigation it seems using sendmail://localhost:25 is ok but with smtp://localhost:25 e-mails end up being stuck in the queue with can't connect to message.
    Any idea as to why ? To me Amavis seems to be the culprit here since it is not running on port 10026 despite its configuration.
  6. Taleman

    Taleman Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    What shows
    sudo netstat -lnpt | grep amavis
    What shows
    grep -i amavis /etc/postfix/ /etc/postrix/
  7. ColonelPhoenix

    ColonelPhoenix New Member

    Here are the outputs.

    sudo netstat -lnpt | grep amavis
    tcp        0      0*               LISTEN      509782/amavisd (vir
    tcp6       0      0 ::1:10024               :::*                    LISTEN      509782/amavisd (vir
     grep -i amavis /etc/postfix/ /etc/postfix/
    /etc/postfix/ = amavis:[]:10024
    /etc/postfix/ unix - - - - 2 smtp
  8. Taleman

    Taleman Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

  9. ColonelPhoenix

    ColonelPhoenix New Member

    Yes I followed the other topic. Amavis is running, but apparently only on port 10024 despite its configuration ($inet_socket_port).

    First command line output
      UNIT              LOAD   ACTIVE SUB    DESCRIPTION                             
    ● named.service     loaded failed failed BIND Domain Name Server
    Manually starting named service fails and the status output is the following :
    × named.service - BIND Domain Name Server
         Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/named.service; enabled; preset: enabled)
         Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Fri 2024-03-08 12:41:27 CET; 4s ago
           Docs: man:named(8)
        Process: 1307764 ExecStart=/usr/sbin/named -f $OPTIONS (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)
       Main PID: 1307764 (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)
            CPU: 19ms
    Mar 08 12:41:27 xxx systemd[1]: named.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 5.
    Mar 08 12:41:27 xxx systemd[1]: Stopped named.service - BIND Domain Name Server.
    Mar 08 12:41:27 xxx systemd[1]: named.service: Start request repeated too quickly.
    Mar 08 12:41:27 xxx systemd[1]: named.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
    Mar 08 12:41:27 xxx systemd[1]: Failed to start named.service - BIND Domain Name Server.
    Not sure it is related though.

    The second one reports that Amavis is active and running.
  10. Taleman

    Taleman Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

  11. ColonelPhoenix

    ColonelPhoenix New Member

    I've done it, as I said it didn't seem relevant to this issue but indeed, I could have been wrong.
    Since you asked, I fixed the named service issue (it came from a deprecated configuration argument). Restarted the whole server with init 6 to be sure everything was started in the correct order.

    Result is still the same, previous commands in the topic return the same output. Amavis is not listening on port 10026 despite it's configuration and postfix get[]:10026: Connection refused.

    Complete report output :
    ##### SERVER #####
    IP-address (as per hostname): ***.***.***.***
    [WARN] could not determine server's ip address by ifconfig
    [INFO] OS version is Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm)
    [INFO] uptime:  11:48:18 up 2 min,  1 user,  load average: 0.79, 0.48, 0.18
    [INFO] memory:
                   total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
    Mem:            31Gi       3.5Gi        26Gi       254Mi       2.1Gi        27Gi
    Swap:           15Gi          0B        15Gi
    [INFO] systemd failed services status:
    0 loaded units listed.
    [INFO] ISPConfig is installed.
    ##### ISPCONFIG #####
    ISPConfig version is 3.2.11p2
    ##### VERSION CHECK #####
    [INFO] php (cli) version is 8.2.16
    [INFO] php-cgi (used for cgi php in default vhost!) is version 8.2.16
    ##### PORT CHECK #####
    ##### MAIL SERVER CHECK #####
    [INFO] I found the following web server(s):
        Apache 2 (PID 1662)
    [INFO] I found the following mail server(s):
        Postfix (PID 1508)
    [INFO] I found the following pop3 server(s):
        Dovecot (PID 967)
    [INFO] I found the following imap server(s):
        Dovecot (PID 967)
    [INFO] I found the following ftp server(s):
        PureFTP (PID 1917)
    ##### LISTENING PORTS #####
    (only        ()
    Local        (Address)
    [anywhere]:22        (1018/sshd:)
    [anywhere]:25        (1508/master)
    [localhost]:953        (976/named)
    [localhost]:953        (976/named)
    [localhost]:953        (976/named)
    [localhost]:953        (976/named)
    [localhost]:953        (976/named)
    [localhost]:953        (976/named)
    [localhost]:953        (976/named)
    [localhost]:953        (976/named)
    [localhost]:953        (976/named)
    [localhost]:953        (976/named)
    [localhost]:953        (976/named)
    [localhost]:953        (976/named)
    [anywhere]:993        (967/dovecot)
    [anywhere]:5666        (1108/nrpe)
    [anywhere]:995        (967/dovecot)
    [localhost]:10023        (935/postgrey)
    [localhost]:10024        (1428/amavisd)
    [localhost]:10025        (1508/master)
    [anywhere]:3306        (1568/mariadbd)
    [localhost]:10027        (1508/master)
    [anywhere]:587        (1508/master)
    [localhost]:11211        (973/memcached)
    [anywhere]:110        (967/dovecot)
    [localhost]:783        (995/perl)
    [anywhere]:143        (967/dovecot)
    [anywhere]:111        (1/init)
    [anywhere]:465        (1508/master)
    [anywhere]:21        (1917/pure-ftpd)
    ***.***.***.***:53        (976/named)
    ***.***.***.***:53        (976/named)
    ***.***.***.***:53        (976/named)
    ***.***.***.***:53        (976/named)
    ***.***.***.***:53        (976/named)
    ***.***.***.***:53        (976/named)
    ***.***.***.***:53        (976/named)
    ***.***.***.***:53        (976/named)
    ***.***.***.***:53        (976/named)
    ***.***.***.***:53        (976/named)
    ***.***.***.***:53        (976/named)
    ***.***.***.***:53        (976/named)
    [localhost]:53        (976/named)
    [localhost]:53        (976/named)
    [localhost]:53        (976/named)
    [localhost]:53        (976/named)
    [localhost]:53        (976/named)
    [localhost]:53        (976/named)
    [localhost]:53        (976/named)
    [localhost]:53        (976/named)
    [localhost]:53        (976/named)
    [localhost]:53        (976/named)
    [localhost]:53        (976/named)
    [localhost]:53        (976/named)
    *:*:*:*::*:22        (1018/sshd:)
    *:*:*:*::*:953        (976/named)
    *:*:*:*::*:953        (976/named)
    *:*:*:*::*:953        (976/named)
    *:*:*:*::*:953        (976/named)
    *:*:*:*::*:953        (976/named)
    *:*:*:*::*:953        (976/named)
    *:*:*:*::*:953        (976/named)
    *:*:*:*::*:953        (976/named)
    *:*:*:*::*:953        (976/named)
    *:*:*:*::*:953        (976/named)
    *:*:*:*::*:953        (976/named)
    *:*:*:*::*:953        (976/named)
    *:*:*:*::*:443        (1662/apache2)
    *:*:*:*::*:993        (967/dovecot)
    *:*:*:*::*:5666        (1108/nrpe)
    *:*:*:*::*:995        (967/dovecot)
    *:*:*:*::*:10023        (935/postgrey)
    *:*:*:*::*:10024        (1428/amavisd)
    *:*:*:*::*:3306        (1568/mariadbd)
    *:*:*:*::*:11211        (973/memcached)
    [localhost]10        (967/dovecot)
    *:*:*:*::*:783        (995/perl)
    [localhost]43        (967/dovecot)
    [localhost]11        (1/init)
    *:*:*:*::*:8080        (1662/apache2)
    *:*:*:*::*:80        (1662/apache2)
    *:*:*:*::*:8081        (1662/apache2)
    *:*:*:*::*:21        (1917/pure-ftpd)
    *:*:*:*::*:53        (976/named)
    *:*:*:*::*:53        (976/named)
    *:*:*:*::*:53        (976/named)
    *:*:*:*::*:53        (976/named)
    *:*:*:*::*:53        (976/named)
    *:*:*:*::*:53        (976/named)
    *:*:*:*::*:53        (976/named)
    *:*:*:*::*:53        (976/named)
    *:*:*:*::*:53        (976/named)
    *:*:*:*::*:53        (976/named)
    *:*:*:*::*:53        (976/named)
    *:*:*:*::*:53        (976/named)
    *:*:*:*::*d250:99ff:fed2:53        (976/named)
    *:*:*:*::*d250:99ff:fed2:53        (976/named)
    *:*:*:*::*d250:99ff:fed2:53        (976/named)
    *:*:*:*::*d250:99ff:fed2:53        (976/named)
    *:*:*:*::*d250:99ff:fed2:53        (976/named)
    *:*:*:*::*d250:99ff:fed2:53        (976/named)
    *:*:*:*::*d250:99ff:fed2:53        (976/named)
    *:*:*:*::*d250:99ff:fed2:53        (976/named)
    *:*:*:*::*d250:99ff:fed2:53        (976/named)
    *:*:*:*::*d250:99ff:fed2:53        (976/named)
    *:*:*:*::*d250:99ff:fed2:53        (976/named)
    *:*:*:*::*d250:99ff:fed2:53        (976/named)
    ##### IPTABLES #####
    Chain INPUT (policy DROP)
    target     prot opt source               destination         
    f2b-sshd   6    --  [anywhere]/0            [anywhere]/0            multiport dports 22
    ufw-before-logging-input  0    --  [anywhere]/0            [anywhere]/0           
    ufw-before-input  0    --  [anywhere]/0            [anywhere]/0           
    ufw-after-input  0    --  [anywhere]/0            [anywhere]/0           
    ufw-after-logging-input  0    --  [anywhere]/0            [anywhere]/0           
    ufw-reject-input  0    --  [anywhere]/0            [anywhere]/0           
    ufw-track-input  0    --  [anywhere]/0            [anywhere]/0           
    Chain FORWARD (policy DROP)
    target     prot opt source               destination         
    ufw-before-logging-forward  0    --  [anywhere]/0            [anywhere]/0           
    ufw-before-forward  0    --  [anywhere]/0            [anywhere]/0           
    ufw-after-forward  0    --  [anywhere]/0            [anywhere]/0           
    ufw-after-logging-forward  0    --  [anywhere]/0            [anywhere]/0           
    ufw-reject-forward  0    --  [anywhere]/0            [anywhere]/0           
    ufw-track-forward  0    --  [anywhere]/0            [anywhere]/0           
    Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT)
    target     prot opt source               destination         
    ufw-before-logging-output  0    --  [anywhere]/0            [anywhere]/0           
    ufw-before-output  0    --  [anywhere]/0            [anywhere]/0           
    ufw-after-output  0    --  [anywhere]/0            [anywhere]/0           
    ufw-after-logging-output  0    --  [anywhere]/0            [anywhere]/0           
    ufw-reject-output  0    --  [anywhere]/0            [anywhere]/0           
    ufw-track-output  0    --  [anywhere]/0            [anywhere]/0           
    Chain f2b-sshd (1 references)
    target     prot opt source               destination         
    REJECT     0    --  ***.***.***.***       [anywhere]/0            reject-with icmp-port-unreachable
    REJECT     0    --  ***.***.***.***        [anywhere]/0            reject-with icmp-port-unreachable
    REJECT     0    --  ***.***.***.***          [anywhere]/0            reject-with icmp-port-unreachable
    REJECT     0    --  ***.***.***.***          [anywhere]/0            reject-with icmp-port-unreachable
    REJECT     0    --  ***.***.***.***          [anywhere]/0            reject-with icmp-port-unreachable
    REJECT     0    --  ***.***.***.***         [anywhere]/0            reject-with icmp-port-unreachable
    REJECT     0    --  ***.***.***.***         [anywhere]/0            reject-with icmp-port-unreachable
    REJECT     0    --  ***.***.***.***        [anywhere]/0            reject-with icmp-port-unreachable
    REJECT     0    --  ***.***.***.***        [anywhere]/0            reject-with icmp-port-unreachable
    REJECT     0    --  ***.***.***.***        [anywhere]/0            reject-with icmp-port-unreachable
    REJECT     0    --  ***.***.***.***       [anywhere]/0            reject-with icmp-port-unreachable
    REJECT     0    --  ***.***.***.***       [anywhere]/0            reject-with icmp-port-unreachable
    REJECT     0    --  ***.***.***.***      [anywhere]/0            reject-with icmp-port-unreachable
    REJECT     0    --  ***.***.***.***      [anywhere]/0            reject-with icmp-port-unreachable
    RETURN     0    --  [anywhere]/0            [anywhere]/0           
    Chain ufw-after-forward (1 references)
    target     prot opt source               destination         
    Chain ufw-after-input (1 references)
    target     prot opt source               destination         
    ufw-skip-to-policy-input  17   --  [anywhere]/0            [anywhere]/0            udp dpt:137
    ufw-skip-to-policy-input  17   --  [anywhere]/0            [anywhere]/0            udp dpt:138
    ufw-skip-to-policy-input  6    --  [anywhere]/0            [anywhere]/0            tcp dpt:139
    ufw-skip-to-policy-input  6    --  [anywhere]/0            [anywhere]/0            tcp dpt:445
    ufw-skip-to-policy-input  17   --  [anywhere]/0            [anywhere]/0            udp dpt:67
    ufw-skip-to-policy-input  17   --  [anywhere]/0            [anywhere]/0            udp dpt:68
    ufw-skip-to-policy-input  0    --  [anywhere]/0            [anywhere]/0            ADDRTYPE match dst-type BROADCAST
    Chain ufw-after-logging-forward (1 references)
    target     prot opt source               destination         
    LOG        0    --  [anywhere]/0            [anywhere]/0            limit: avg 3/min burst 10 LOG flags 0 level 4 prefix "[UFW BLOCK] "
    Chain ufw-after-logging-input (1 references)
    target     prot opt source               destination         
    LOG        0    --  [anywhere]/0            [anywhere]/0            limit: avg 3/min burst 10 LOG flags 0 level 4 prefix "[UFW BLOCK] "
    Chain ufw-after-logging-output (1 references)
    target     prot opt source               destination         
    Chain ufw-after-output (1 references)
    target     prot opt source               destination         
    Chain ufw-before-forward (1 references)
    target     prot opt source               destination         
    ACCEPT     0    --  [anywhere]/0            [anywhere]/0            ctstate RELATED,ESTABLISHED
    ACCEPT     1    --  [anywhere]/0            [anywhere]/0            icmptype 3
    ACCEPT     1    --  [anywhere]/0            [anywhere]/0            icmptype 11
    ACCEPT     1    --  [anywhere]/0            [anywhere]/0            icmptype 12
    ACCEPT     1    --  [anywhere]/0            [anywhere]/0            icmptype 8
    ufw-user-forward  0    --  [anywhere]/0            [anywhere]/0           
    Chain ufw-before-input (1 references)
    target     prot opt source               destination         
    ACCEPT     0    --  [anywhere]/0            [anywhere]/0           
    ACCEPT     0    --  [anywhere]/0            [anywhere]/0            ctstate RELATED,ESTABLISHED
    ufw-logging-deny  0    --  [anywhere]/0            [anywhere]/0            ctstate INVALID
    DROP       0    --  [anywhere]/0            [anywhere]/0            ctstate INVALID
    ACCEPT     1    --  [anywhere]/0            [anywhere]/0            icmptype 3
    ACCEPT     1    --  [anywhere]/0            [anywhere]/0            icmptype 11
    ACCEPT     1    --  [anywhere]/0            [anywhere]/0            icmptype 12
    ACCEPT     1    --  [anywhere]/0            [anywhere]/0            icmptype 8
    ACCEPT     17   --  [anywhere]/0            [anywhere]/0            udp spt:67 dpt:68
    ufw-not-local  0    --  [anywhere]/0            [anywhere]/0           
    ACCEPT     17   --  [anywhere]/0            ***.***.***.***          udp dpt:5353
    ACCEPT     17   --  [anywhere]/0            ***.***.***.***      udp dpt:1900
    ufw-user-input  0    --  [anywhere]/0            [anywhere]/0           
    Chain ufw-before-logging-forward (1 references)
    target     prot opt source               destination         
    Chain ufw-before-logging-input (1 references)
    target     prot opt source               destination         
    Chain ufw-before-logging-output (1 references)
    target     prot opt source               destination         
    Chain ufw-before-output (1 references)
    target     prot opt source               destination         
    ACCEPT     0    --  [anywhere]/0            [anywhere]/0           
    ACCEPT     0    --  [anywhere]/0            [anywhere]/0            ctstate RELATED,ESTABLISHED
    ufw-user-output  0    --  [anywhere]/0            [anywhere]/0           
    Chain ufw-logging-allow (0 references)
    target     prot opt source               destination         
    LOG        0    --  [anywhere]/0            [anywhere]/0            limit: avg 3/min burst 10 LOG flags 0 level 4 prefix "[UFW ALLOW] "
    Chain ufw-logging-deny (2 references)
    target     prot opt source               destination         
    RETURN     0    --  [anywhere]/0            [anywhere]/0            ctstate INVALID limit: avg 3/min burst 10
    LOG        0    --  [anywhere]/0            [anywhere]/0            limit: avg 3/min burst 10 LOG flags 0 level 4 prefix "[UFW BLOCK] "
    Chain ufw-not-local (1 references)
    target     prot opt source               destination         
    RETURN     0    --  [anywhere]/0            [anywhere]/0            ADDRTYPE match dst-type LOCAL
    RETURN     0    --  [anywhere]/0            [anywhere]/0            ADDRTYPE match dst-type MULTICAST
    RETURN     0    --  [anywhere]/0            [anywhere]/0            ADDRTYPE match dst-type BROADCAST
    ufw-logging-deny  0    --  [anywhere]/0            [anywhere]/0            limit: avg 3/min burst 10
    DROP       0    --  [anywhere]/0            [anywhere]/0           
    Chain ufw-reject-forward (1 references)
    target     prot opt source               destination         
    Chain ufw-reject-input (1 references)
    target     prot opt source               destination         
    Chain ufw-reject-output (1 references)
    target     prot opt source               destination         
    Chain ufw-skip-to-policy-forward (0 references)
    target     prot opt source               destination         
    DROP       0    --  [anywhere]/0            [anywhere]/0           
    Chain ufw-skip-to-policy-input (7 references)
    target     prot opt source               destination         
    DROP       0    --  [anywhere]/0            [anywhere]/0           
    Chain ufw-skip-to-policy-output (0 references)
    target     prot opt source               destination         
    ACCEPT     0    --  [anywhere]/0            [anywhere]/0           
    Chain ufw-track-forward (1 references)
    target     prot opt source               destination         
    Chain ufw-track-input (1 references)
    target     prot opt source               destination         
    Chain ufw-track-output (1 references)
    target     prot opt source               destination         
    ACCEPT     6    --  [anywhere]/0            [anywhere]/0            ctstate NEW
    ACCEPT     17   --  [anywhere]/0            [anywhere]/0            ctstate NEW
    Chain ufw-user-forward (1 references)
    target     prot opt source               destination         
    Chain ufw-user-input (1 references)
    target     prot opt source               destination         
    ACCEPT     6    --  [anywhere]/0            [anywhere]/0            tcp dpt:22
    ACCEPT     6    --  [anywhere]/0            [anywhere]/0            tcp dpt:80
    ACCEPT     6    --  [anywhere]/0            [anywhere]/0            tcp dpt:443
    ACCEPT     6    --  ***.***.***.***        [anywhere]/0            tcp dpt:8080
    ACCEPT     17   --  ***.***.***.***        [anywhere]/0            udp dpt:8080
    ACCEPT     6    --  ***.***.***.***       [anywhere]/0            tcp dpt:8080
    ACCEPT     17   --  ***.***.***.***       [anywhere]/0            udp dpt:8080
    ACCEPT     6    --  [anywhere]/0            [anywhere]/0            tcp dpt:21
    ACCEPT     6    --  [anywhere]/0            [anywhere]/0            multiport dports 40110:40210
    ACCEPT     6    --  ***.***.***.***        [anywhere]/0            tcp dpt:3306
    ACCEPT     17   --  ***.***.***.***        [anywhere]/0            udp dpt:3306
    ACCEPT     6    --  ***.***.***.***       [anywhere]/0            tcp dpt:3306
    ACCEPT     17   --  ***.***.***.***       [anywhere]/0            udp dpt:3306
    ACCEPT     6    --  ***.***.***.***       [anywhere]/0            tcp dpt:22
    ACCEPT     17   --  ***.***.***.***       [anywhere]/0            udp dpt:22
    ACCEPT     6    --  ***.***.***.***        [anywhere]/0            tcp dpt:5666
    ACCEPT     17   --  ***.***.***.***        [anywhere]/0            udp dpt:5666
    ACCEPT     6    --  ***.***.***.***        [anywhere]/0            tcp dpt:8080
    ACCEPT     17   --  ***.***.***.***        [anywhere]/0            udp dpt:8080
    ACCEPT     6    --  ***.***.***.***        [anywhere]/0            tcp dpt:3306
    ACCEPT     17   --  ***.***.***.***        [anywhere]/0            udp dpt:3306
    ACCEPT     6    --  [anywhere]/0            ***.***.***.***       tcp dpt:1433
    ACCEPT     17   --  [anywhere]/0            ***.***.***.***       udp dpt:1433
    ACCEPT     6    --  [anywhere]/0            ***.***.***.***       tcp dpt:1434
    ACCEPT     17   --  [anywhere]/0            ***.***.***.***       udp dpt:1434
    Chain ufw-user-limit (0 references)
    target     prot opt source               destination         
    LOG        0    --  [anywhere]/0            [anywhere]/0            limit: avg 3/min burst 5 LOG flags 0 level 4 prefix "[UFW LIMIT BLOCK] "
    REJECT     0    --  [anywhere]/0            [anywhere]/0            reject-with icmp-port-unreachable
    Chain ufw-user-limit-accept (0 references)
    target     prot opt source               destination         
    ACCEPT     0    --  [anywhere]/0            [anywhere]/0           
    Chain ufw-user-logging-forward (0 references)
    target     prot opt source               destination         
    Chain ufw-user-logging-input (0 references)
    target     prot opt source               destination         
    Chain ufw-user-logging-output (0 references)
    target     prot opt source               destination         
    Chain ufw-user-output (1 references)
    target     prot opt source               destination         
    ##### LET'S ENCRYPT #####
    Certbot is installed in /opt/
  12. pyte

    pyte Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    I recommend using rspamd. But anyways... Have you checked the journal of the amavis service?
    journalctl -u amavis
    Are there any warning or errors? Can you restart the service and check the /var/log/mail.log too? Any hints of an error?

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