PHP-FPM problem with lib

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by IntrISP, Apr 12, 2024.

  1. IntrISP

    IntrISP New Member

    Hello I have a problem with libs after update from SLES 12 SP5 tp SLES 15 SP5

    ost08-klon:/opt/php-8.1/sbin # systemctl status php-8.1-fpm.service
    × php-8.1-fpm.service - The PHP 8.1 FastCGI Process Manager
    Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/php-8.1-fpm.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
    Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Fri 2024-04-12 12:04:00 CEST; 1h 0min ago
    Process: 10270 ExecStart=/opt/php-8.1/sbin/php-fpm --nodaemonize --fpm-config /opt/php-8.1/etc/php-fpm.conf (code=exited, status=127)
    Main PID: 10270 (code=exited, status=127)

    Apr 12 12:04:00 host08-klon systemd[1]: Started The PHP 8.1 FastCGI Process Manager.
    Apr 12 12:04:00 host08-klon php-fpm[10270]: /opt/php-8.1/sbin/php-fpm: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
    Apr 12 12:04:00 host08-klon systemd[1]: php-8.1-fpm.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=127/n/a
    Apr 12 12:04:00 host08-klon systemd[1]: php-8.1-fpm.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
    You have new mail in /var/spool/mail/root

    I compile PHP from source and configure with
    --with-pdo-pgsql --with-freetype --enable-mbstring --with-libxml --enable-intl --enable-calendar --with-curl --with-sodium --with-zlib --with-pgsql --disable-rpath --enable-inline-optimization --with-bz2 --with-mhash --enable-sysvsem --enable-sysvshm --enable-pcntl --enable-sysvmsg --enable-mbregex --enable-exif --with-zip --enable-bcmath --with-pdo-mysql=/usr --with-mysqli --enable-gd --with-mysql-sock=/var/run/mysql/mysql.sock --with-xpm --with-webp --with-jpeg --with-openssl --with-fpm-user=wwwrun --with-fpm-group=www --with-libdir=lib64 --enable-ftp --with-imap --enable-ctype --with-iconv --with-gmp --enable-fileinfo --with-ldap --with-ldap-sasl --with-pspell --enable-posix --enable-shmop --enable-soap --enable-sockets --with-snmp --with-imap-ssl --with-kerberos --with-gettext --with-xsl --with-pear --enable-opcache --enable-fpm
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The shared library is part of libicu, check that you have it installed:

    yum install libicu

    And it might be that you have to recompile PHP
  3. IntrISP

    IntrISP New Member

    Yea but i have only this version and need this
    S | Name | Summary | Type
    i+ | libicu-devel | Development files for the ICU library | package
    | libicu-doc | International Components for Unicode (HTML documentation) | package
    i | libicu-suse65_1 | International Components for Unicode | package
    | libicu57_1 | International Components for Unicode | package
    | libicu57_1-bedata | Rule databases and tables for ICU | package
    | libicu57_1-ledata | Rule databases and tables for ICU | package
    | libicu60_2 | International Components for Unicode | package
    | libicu60_2-ledata | Rule databases and tables for ICU | package
    i | libicu65_1-ledata | Rule databases and tables for ICU | package
    | libicu69 | International Components for Unicode | package
    | libicu69-ledata | Rule databases and tables for ICU | package
    i | libicu73_2 | International Components for Unicode | package
    | libicu73_2-devel | Development files for the ICU library | package
    | libicu73_2-doc | Documentation for the ICU library | package
    i | libicu73_2-ledata | Rule databases and tables for ICU | package
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Have you re-compiled PHP? The compile process should pick up the available version.
  5. IntrISP

    IntrISP New Member

    host08-klon:/usr/local/src/php74-build/php-7.4.33 # make install
    Installing shared extensions: /opt/php-7.4/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20190902/
    Installing PHP CLI binary: /opt/php-7.4/bin/
    Installing PHP CLI man page: /opt/php-7.4/php/man/man1/
    Installing PHP FPM binary: /opt/php-7.4/sbin/
    Installing PHP FPM defconfig: skipping
    Installing PHP FPM man page: /opt/php-7.4/php/man/man8/
    Installing PHP FPM status page: /opt/php-7.4/php/php/fpm/
    Installing phpdbg binary: /opt/php-7.4/bin/
    Installing phpdbg man page: /opt/php-7.4/php/man/man1/
    Installing PHP CGI binary: /opt/php-7.4/bin/
    Installing PHP CGI man page: /opt/php-7.4/php/man/man1/
    Installing build environment: /opt/php-7.4/lib/php/build/
    Installing header files: /opt/php-7.4/include/php/
    Installing helper programs: /opt/php-7.4/bin/
    program: phpize
    program: php-config
    Installing man pages: /opt/php-7.4/php/man/man1/
    page: phpize.1
    page: php-config.1
    Installing PEAR environment: /opt/php-7.4/lib/php/
    /usr/local/src/php74-build/php-7.4.33/sapi/cli/php: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
    make[1]: *** [Makefile:505: install-pear-installer] Error 127
    make: *** [Makefile:510: install-pear] Error 2
  6. Alex Mamatuik

    Alex Mamatuik Member

    The matter also is: @IntrISP shows us an error with PHP 8.1, but has been trying to compile the component for the php 7.4

    i guess, if it was installed through remi-repo - php 8.1,- simple solution - to install like yum install php81-{some proper library, which refers to}
    till likes this.
  7. IntrISP

    IntrISP New Member

    Yea but it's not working that
  8. michelangelo

    michelangelo Active Member

    Have you already tried a "make distclean" before the build process?
    It could be very likely that there are some remains in your build directory from an older build.

    Do you know if openSUSE/SLES have some kind of PHP repositories, like Remi Repo is for the RHEL ecosystem or Sury is for Debian?
    If so, you should go with such a repository. This is much better than building software the old-fashioned way, especially on a binary-distribution like SLES.
    Alex Mamatuik likes this.

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