Automated installers have error: connec ERROR: cannot verify get.ispconfig.'s certificate, issued

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by armaclaren, Apr 14, 2024.

  1. armaclaren

    armaclaren New Member

    When trying to install ISPconfig on ubuntu server 22.04 LTS on a raspberry pi, I see the following error:
    root@PiTown-NAS: /home/nas#
    wget -0 - https://get.ispconfig.|
    sh -s
    --use-php=7.4,8.0 --use-ftp-ports=21-22 --lang=en
    --no-quota --unattended
    --2024-02-19 14:51:11-- https://get.ispconfig./
    Resolving get.ispconfig.(get.ispconfig.) ...,,, ...
    Connecting to get.ispconfig.(get.ispconfig.) | connec
    ERROR: cannot verify get.ispconfig.s certificate, issued by 'CN=E1, 0=Let's E ncrypt, C=US' :
    Issued certificate not yet valid.
    To connect to get.ispconfig. insecurely, use '--no-check-certificate'. root@PiTown-NAS: /home/nas#

    I've tried adding the "--no-check-certif icate" and saw the following error:

    root@PiTown-NAS: /home/nas# wget -0 - https://get.ispconfig. --no-check-certif icate I sh-s -- --use-nginx
    --use-php=7.4,8.0 --use-ftp-ports=21-22 --lang=en
    --no-quota --unattended-upgrades
    --2024-02-19 14:52:36-- https://get.ispconfig. /
    Resolving get.ispconfig. (get.ispconfig. ) ...,,,
    to get.ispconfig. (get.ispconfig. ) | connec
    WARNING: cannot verify get.ispconfig. 's certificate, issued by 'CN=E1, 0=Let's
    Encrypt, C=US' :
    Issued certificate not yet valid.
    HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200
    Length: 2003 (2.0K)
    Saving to: 'STDOUT'
    100응 [
    1.96K --. -KB/s
    in 0s
    2024-02-19 14:52:36 (6.27 MB/s) - written
    to stdout [2003/2003]

    Failed downloading Autoinstaller root@PiTown-NAS:/home/nas#

    I tried rolling back to ubuntu 20 LTS to see if an older installer would work, but still saw the same error. My hope was to turn a raspberry pi into a home NAS and run ISPconfig off of it for a later project.

    I'm still a noob folks, so Any help would be greatly appreciated!
    many thanks to everyone again in advance!
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    You can not use the auto-installer on ARM CPU systems; it only works on Intel/AMD X86_64 systems. See the prerequisite section of the installation tutorial:

    If you want to install it on Ubuntu on ARM CPU, you must use the manual installation procedure:

    You will have to change some things though, e.g. the rar package is not available, you can leave that out. And the sources.list is likely different for ARM.
  3. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    And regarding the errors you posted above, they are caused by your wrong system time:

    2024-02-19 14:51:11

    But the auto-installer would not have worked due to your ARM CPU anyway. But you should set the system time correctly as any request to SSL secured sites that have a recent SSL cert will fail otherwise.
  4. armaclaren

    armaclaren New Member

    I hate to ask but, Is there a manual install for Ubuntu 22.04 LTS?
    and also, do you know of a way to back up the SD card into an image file so that I can easily share a full setup with everyone? (Like clonezilla as an example?)
  5. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    No. The most recent manual setup guide is for Debian 12.

    You can probably do that with dd.

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