Rspamd can't Scan/Learn anymore

Discussion in 'General' started by Peter Oudenes, Apr 24, 2024.

  1. Peter Oudenes

    Peter Oudenes Member

    I didn't use the GUI for a while, but needed it because a email was marked as spam.

    I logged into RspamD WebGui and selected Scan/Learn. Paste the RAW Source info of the email and hit Scan message.

    I get this error:
    local > Cannot upload data
    Request failed

    I didn't update my system. I didn't do any other installations for months. So I don't know how this can happen.

    It is scanning incoming emails otherwise this specific email was not marked as spam.
    RspamD version 3.8.4
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Try again and then take a look into rspamd#s log files to see if anything more specific was logged. You might also want to check the Redis log file too.
  3. Peter Oudenes

    Peter Oudenes Member

    Both logs don't show any new lines when I try to scan.
    Did a
    tail redis-server.log -f
    tail rspamd.log -f

    And then try the scan. Nothing...
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Have you tried restarting Rspamd and Redis?
  5. Peter Oudenes

    Peter Oudenes Member

    I did a full reboot of the system itself already
  6. Peter Oudenes

    Peter Oudenes Member

    If I write something useless into the "Message source:" something like:


    then Scan message it is reading.....
  7. pyte

    pyte Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Try learing the message with the "rspamc" command on the command line and see if that returns any errors
  8. Peter Oudenes

    Peter Oudenes Member

    Do you have the line? I do it with wegbui so I can push the upload HAM if a email is not spam.
  9. Peter Oudenes

    Peter Oudenes Member

    This is the output

    root@mail:/var/vmail/ rspamc \-P pass learn_spam '1713947140.M856089P23604.mail,S=29596,W=3024
    Results for file: 1713947140.M856089P23604.mail,S=29596,W=30242:2,FS (0.028 seconds)
    error = "all learn conditions denied learning spam in default classifier";
    filename = "1713947140.M856089P23604.mail,S=29596,W=30242:2,FS";
    scan_time = 0.028000;
  10. pyte

    pyte Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

  11. Peter Oudenes

    Peter Oudenes Member

    This is then the output:

    root@mail:/var/vmail/ rspamc learn_ham '1713947140.M856089P23604.mail,S=29596,W=30242:2,FS'
    Results for file: 1713947140.M856089P23604.mail,S=29596,W=30242:2,FS (0.016 seconds)
    success = true;
    filename = "1713947140.M856089P23604.mail,S=29596,W=30242:2,FS";
    scan_time = 0.016000;
  12. pyte

    pyte Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Ok so the learning itself seem to work just fine. If the issue in the webgui persists you may should increase the debug level of rspamd and see if there is error logging when doing this action. Setting the debug level to "debug" produces alot of output even if rspamd is doing "nothing", so you might want to try activating the debug logging only for the module(s) in question. See:
    The configuration for the logging can be found in /etc/rspamd/ There you can find the level setting itself and the "debug_modules" setting aswell (a list of modules is described in the docs above).
  13. Peter Oudenes

    Peter Oudenes Member

    Tried all the debug modules and none react when I try something in the wegbui.... :(
  14. pyte

    pyte Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Then you may want to increase the "level" itself to a more detailed logging and see what happens. Does this happen all the time, with different files/browsers/systems?
  15. Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    I'm trying not to be seen as disrespectful here, really am not.
    I have asked so many people out there if they can find something in a log file and they said no.
    However I have seen people not seeing the most obvious things - and there might be reasons, people oversee things, this happens, all fine.
    But knowing this, I usually insist in seeing the log output myself.
    For example, we had an application for a system administrator role, and the person seemed to be knowledgeable. But also missed to see a clear "FATAL ERROR" on a log line and told me: no I don't see the reason.

    Now I do not know if this is the case here, and my positive thinking tells me you know what you are doing.
    But it can never hurt to have more than 2 eyes looking at stuff.
    Would be really interesting to see ourselves. Thank you <3
  16. Peter Oudenes

    Peter Oudenes Member

    Here the logs of rspamd and redis-server

    @pyte I did log level to debug and with the tail I did all kind of actions on the wegbui. If there is something wrong then I have to see it right? Even with loglevel error.... will you be my second eyes then? See the logs. I zipped it because its about 14MB

    Attached Files:

      File size:
      944.4 KB
  17. Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    rspamd_stat_classifier_is_skipped: learn condition for classifier bayes returned: already in class spam; probability 100.00%; skip
    you checked on that?

    ah yeah nevermind, not really matching any issue on your initial post. Don't worry, still looking.

    also redis is kinda right, depending on your knowledge and setup you might want to fix those
    However if you do not feel like to do it, it is fine, nothing too serious usually, especially if you have enough free memory. Redis looking fine besided from that. see

    Last edited: Apr 24, 2024
  18. Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Basically it is looking fine
    2024-04-24 10:54:55 #43013(normal) <oujmnd>; bayes; int rspamd_redis_stat_cb(lua_State*): got stat object for BAYES_HAM

    Though not so good for clamav maybe =>
    You _can_ add redis to that but you see, it has a fallback. Otherwise it would have used a seperate instance allowing for different configuration e.g. persistence or larger/smaller amount of memory, different eviction config...

    Is there a hint you can post from your pasted message which might be in the log like subject, received from or anything? Well, you could check yourself for sure :)
    But maybe it is just a bug in the UI itself with certain input. Have you tried a "simple" spam mail?
  19. Peter Oudenes

    Peter Oudenes Member

    I updated the part of the WARNING overcommit_memory is set to 0
  20. Peter Oudenes

    Peter Oudenes Member

    I tried different raw source info from different emails. All of them give same error.

    I tried this part to learn. I post some info that maybe can help. Or I can send you the raw full part in a DM:

    From: Droppp <[email protected]>
    Date: Tue, 23 Apr 2024 23:13:27 +0000
    Subject: *** SPAM *** Droppp redemption has shipped - order DP166361

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