May I ask why you want to switch to Cpanel? When it comes to migrating to cPanel, you might want to contact cPanel support to help you with that and if they can provide you a migration tool for the task.
Hello till it was an easy fix for me I wasted a lot of time days trying to find what is wrong with the 100% CPU with no result I have been using it for over 17 years and at the first opportunity I will return to your company again Thank you all.
You could have contacted @Th0m from ISPConfig business support to look at your system directly or just reinstall your server from scratch with ISPConfig using auto-installer to fix it.
When I was moving clients from CPanel servers to ISPConfig servers, I used these web based services to transfer email accounts: You just enter the server info for the main and destination mailboxes and wait for it to complete. Easy!
to avoid third services to best protection of data, here there is a tutorial to transfer email accounts from Cpanel to ISPC_ If there are many accounts and domains one can build this easier routine to change the Step 3 of that tutorial: create one text file "list1.txt" with all the email addresses and paswords of the old and new server: (Important: the email accounts already should exist in the new server) file "list1.txt": Code: [email protected];oldserverpass1;[email protected];newserverpass1 [email protected];oldserverpass2;[email protected];newserverpass2 [email protected];oldserverpass3;[email protected];newserverpass3 and create one script "" to read list1.txt and transfer the messages: (Important: change and with your servers) Code: #!/bin/bash # # Migrate email accounts # { while IFS=';' read u1 p1 u2 p2 do { echo "$u1" | egrep "^#" ; } > /dev/null && continue # this skips commented lines in list1.txt echo "==== Syncing user $u1 to user $u2 ====" imapsync --host1 --addheader --user1 "$u1" --password1 "$p1" \ --host2 --user2 "$u2" --password2 "$p2" echo "==== End syncing user $u1 to user $u2 ====" echo done } < list1.txt give perm and execute: Code: chmod 0755 ./
I have always used imapsync to do the migration of emails. I have even written a Bash script that runs in the background on one of the servers and migrates each and every email account one by one. I am happy to provide you with the script and assist you with getting it going. Regarding your CPU usage, if you have the server still running, why not let me have a gander to see what is plaguing you. I have been working is DevOps and SysAdmin for over 25 years. I am confident I can help you fix the issue. No charge.