dns server

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by pendientes, Aug 4, 2024.

  1. pendientes

    pendientes New Member

    Hello and thanks for the possible answer.

    I have my domain pointed to CloudFlare and I have created two "A" records pointing to ns1.salirdelasciudades.com and ns2.salirdelasciudades.com "only dns" in my ISPCONFIG installed inside a VirtualBox virtual machine. In the IPs I have put the public IP. I have DMZ to this virtual machine. I configured my network to accept the public DNS. Everything works like a charm. When I try to point my domain to ns1.xxx and ns2.xxx it won't let me cheapname for some reason. Is there something I'm not doing right?


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  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    First, double-check that all fully qualified domain names in all records end with a dot. Missing dots are the most common errors in dns. Then, test the DNS locally e.g. with the dig command to see if your server responds correctly:

    dig @localhost yourdomain.tld
  3. pendientes

    pendientes New Member

    Hi and thanks for the reply.
    It responds appropriately. I checked the DNS and it responds but for some reason it won't let me change them in namecheap. All of then have the dot

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    • dig.png
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      127.8 KB
  4. Taleman

    Taleman Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Are you sure what you are doing is possible with DNS?
    When I check nameservers of your domain they are Cloudflare name servers:
    $ whois salirdelasciudades.com | grep -i server
       Registrar WHOIS Server: whois.namecheap.com
       Name Server: LUKE.NS.CLOUDFLARE.COM
       Name Server: SIMA.NS.CLOUDFLARE.COM
    Registrar WHOIS Server: whois.namecheap.com
    Name Server: luke.ns.cloudflare.com
    Name Server: sima.ns.cloudflare.com
    Those are the name servers registered for that domain. But ns1 and ns2 names do not point there:
    $ host ns1.salirdelasciudades.com
    ns1.salirdelasciudades.com has address
    tale@ika ~
    $ host ns2.salirdelasciudades.com
    ns2.salirdelasciudades.com has address
    My signature has link to DNS tutorial, maybe reading that clarifies matters.
    Could you tell what you are trying to do with namecheap, I did not understand that.
    ahrasis likes this.
  5. pendientes

    pendientes New Member

    Yes, you are true. I have the domain with cloudflare as I showed in the first post with the picture. As there is no way to change the dns in namecheap I thought create the ns1 and ns2 in Cluodflare to point to my server. That's why it is so, without DNS so it goes direct to my server ip, not to cloud server. But no way to change it in namecheap. As soon I change in namecheap then it will resolve the A names in ISPCONFIG. I tried with another doamin that I have in Godday and no way, tells that the name server is not registered. The same problem
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2024
  6. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    They might refuse to switch over to your server if ns1 and ns2 are the same server (IP). Some registries require that ns1 and ns2 are two different servers.
    ahrasis likes this.
  7. pendientes

    pendientes New Member

    I tried to change just for one, the ns1 and let the other to cloudflare but no way at all. I will let to cloudflare to manage the dns. I just wanted try and see how works the DNS in ispconfig.
  8. ahrasis

    ahrasis Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

  9. pendientes

    pendientes New Member

    Hi and thanks. Yes, you are true. Afraid.org acts as a DNS server. But the problem, I see now, is that the DNS in ISPCONFIG is not working for some reason. The NS ns1 that creates ispconfig is not spreading the ip. Why? I don't know.
  10. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    You verified in #3 already that DNS in ISPConfig is working fine. So that's not the issue.

    If you want to have a BIND DNS server allow another DNS server to copy records, you must add the IP address of your secondary in the allow transfer to field of the zone in ISPConfig.
  11. pendientes

    pendientes New Member

    You mean point to afraid.org? Because inside ISPCONFIG shows me only the ip addresses of my server.
  12. Taleman

    Taleman Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Did you read the DNS tutorial, link in my signature.
    I think there is confusion somewhere. If you want the nameserver you have set up in ISPConfig working globally, you must register it as authoritative name server for your zone. This is done at your registrar, which seems to be namecheap.
    If you have tried to do this at Namecheap and it fails, show the exact error messages you get and describe exactly how you are doing the registering.
    ahrasis likes this.
  13. pendientes

    pendientes New Member

    Hi and thanks.

    I did it. I know what I do. I am IT Engineer. I have the records os ns created in ISPCONFIG. Namecheap does not explain the reason but as I said before I tried to do it for another domain in Godaddy and tells that the name server is not registered. I'll try to install again the isp server.
    About your question how do I create it. Wit the wizard it creates self all the usual records. The name of my server is ispconfig.salirdelasciudades.com and the domain that I created is salirdelasciudades.com
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2024
  14. ahrasis

    ahrasis Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    So this is solved right?
  15. pendientes

    pendientes New Member

    Hi and thanks.
    It's a way to solve it, yes. But why ns1 from ispserver does not resolve inside ispconfig? That's the question. As I said I will install it again.
  16. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Are you sure that it is not doing that? According to post #3, it works fine. Login to your ISPConfig DNS server and run:

    dig @localhost ns1.salirdelasciudades.com

    Makes not much sense, your system is working fine and behaving as it should.

    And as I mentioned earlier, if you want to use a secondary DNS service while using your ISPconfig system as a primary, then you must tell your ISPConfig system to allow data transfers to the secondary. The secondary service must have given you an IP or IP range that you must allow transfers to and this IP or IP range must be set in the allow transfer to field of the zone in ISPConfig.
  17. pendientes

    pendientes New Member

    Hi and thanks.
    Respect to dig @localhost ns1.salirdelasciudades.com it worked before because I created an A to ns1.salirdelasciudades.com. As soon as I removed it the output is as the picture below.
    About afraid.org. Yes I know how to use it and it works if I put the ns2 to afraid.org. But still having the issue about ns1. I think that I am explaining it good enough. If not, let me know.

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  18. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    You must have an A-Record for any NS record that is a subdomain of the same zone, of course. So removing it must make it fail. Makes no sense that you removed a required DNS record, BIND can not work without it, no matter if you use ISPConfig or another panel or no panel at all.
  19. pendientes

    pendientes New Member

    Ok, I did it again. I'll wait to see what happens.

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    • ns1.png
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  20. pendientes

    pendientes New Member

    Now working. Thanks a lot for your support to all of you.
    Have a great day!
    ahrasis and till like this.

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