Virtual Users etc etc...

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by kwinnuxbie, Oct 24, 2006.

  1. kwinnuxbie

    kwinnuxbie New Member

    okay I thought I was doing great... However, I still having issues... I got ver few errors this time around. However I still have these few things thus I can not be authenticated. here is the maillog file..
    I see severa warning but have no clue where to go fix them. The error config fail... I thought I had it... I check mysql to login from command prompt..
    mysql -h localhost -umail_admin -p ( I was able to login ).

    Oh by the way this is a new install...
    Oct 24 02:46:17 ridersnet postfix/postfix-script: starting the Postfix mail system
    Oct 24 02:46:17 ridersnet postfix/master[2428]: daemon started -- version 2.2.8, configuration /etc/postfix
    Oct 24 02:46:17 ridersnet postfix/qmgr[2436]: 8D49A1004C: from=<[email protected]>, size=869, nrcpt=4 (queue active)
    Oct 24 02:46:18 ridersnet postfix/proxymap[2441]: warning: connect to mysql server Access denied for user 'mail_admin'@'localhost' (using password: YES)
    Oct 24 02:46:18 ridersnet postfix/trivial-rewrite[2440]: warning: do not list domain in BOTH mydestination and virtual_mailbox_domains
    Oct 24 02:46:18 ridersnet postfix/trivial-rewrite[2440]: warning: transport_maps lookup failure
    Oct 24 02:46:18 ridersnet postfix/qmgr[2436]: 8D49A1004C: to=<[email protected]>, orig_to=<clamav>, relay=none, delay=9977, status=deferred (delivery temporarily suspended: address resolver failure)
    Oct 24 02:46:18 ridersnet spamd[2438]: logger: removing stderr method
    Oct 24 02:46:18 ridersnet postfix/trivial-rewrite[2440]: warning: do not list domain in BOTH mydestination and virtual_mailbox_domains
    Oct 24 02:46:18 ridersnet postfix/trivial-rewrite[2440]: warning: transport_maps lookup failure
    Oct 24 02:46:18 ridersnet postfix/qmgr[2436]: 8D49A1004C: to=<[email protected]>, orig_to=<postmaster>, relay=none, delay=9977, status=deferred (delivery temporarily suspended: address resolver failure)
    Oct 24 02:46:18 ridersnet postfix/trivial-rewrite[2440]: warning: do not list domain in BOTH mydestination and virtual_mailbox_domains
    Oct 24 02:46:18 ridersnet postfix/trivial-rewrite[2440]: warning: transport_maps lookup failure
    Oct 24 02:46:18 ridersnet postfix/qmgr[2436]: 8D49A1004C: to=<[email protected]>, orig_to=<root>, relay=none, delay=9977, status=deferred (delivery temporarily suspended: address resolver failure)
    Oct 24 02:46:18 ridersnet postfix/trivial-rewrite[2440]: warning: do not list domain in BOTH mydestination and virtual_mailbox_domains
    Oct 24 02:46:18 ridersnet postfix/trivial-rewrite[2440]: warning: transport_maps lookup failure
    Oct 24 02:46:18 ridersnet postfix/qmgr[2436]: 8D49A1004C: to=<[email protected]>, orig_to=<webmaster>, relay=none, delay=9977, status=deferred (delivery temporarily suspended: address resolver failure)
    Oct 24 02:46:19 ridersnet spamd[2448]: config: failed to parse line, skipping: use_dcc 1
    Oct 24 02:46:19 ridersnet spamd[2448]: config: failed to parse line, skipping: dcc_path /usr/local/bin/dccproc
    Oct 24 02:46:19 ridersnet spamd[2448]: config: failed to parse line, skipping: dcc_add_header 1
    Oct 24 02:46:19 ridersnet spamd[2448]: config: failed to parse line, skipping: dcc_dccifd_path /usr/local/bin/dccifd
    Oct 24 02:46:19 ridersnet spamd[2448]: config: failed to parse line, skipping: pyzor_add_header 1
    Oct 24 02:46:27 ridersnet spamd[2448]: spamd: server started on port 783/tcp (running version 3.1.3)
    Oct 24 02:46:27 ridersnet spamd[2448]: spamd: server pid: 2448
    Oct 24 02:46:27 ridersnet spamd[2448]: spamd: server successfully spawned child process, pid 2585
    Oct 24 02:46:27 ridersnet spamd[2448]: spamd: server successfully spawned child process, pid 2586
    Oct 24 02:46:27 ridersnet spamd[2448]: prefork: child states: II
    Oct 24 02:50:26 ridersnet imapd: Connection, ip=[::ffff:]
    Oct 24 02:50:26 ridersnet imapd: LOGIN FAILED, user=kerwin, ip=[::ffff:]
    Oct 24 02:50:31 ridersnet imapd: LOGOUT, ip=[::ffff:], rcvd=45, sent=332
    Oct 24 02:51:33 ridersnet pop3d: Connection, ip=[::ffff:]
    Oct 24 02:51:33 ridersnet pop3d: LOGIN FAILED, user=kerwin, ip=[::ffff:]
    Oct 24 02:52:02 ridersnet last message repeated 3 times
    Oct 24 02:52:09 ridersnet pop3d: LOGOUT, ip=[::ffff:]
    Oct 24 02:52:09 ridersnet pop3d: Disconnected, ip=[::ffff:]

  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Please check your database settings again in all of your /etc/postfix/mysql-*.cf files. Also make sure there are entries for mail_admin with localhost and localhost.localdomain in the mysql.users table.
  3. kwinnuxbie

    kwinnuxbie New Member

    Will do.

    Thanks.. I think this morning as I was ridig to work it darned on me.. that I used the same password for both root and mail_admin. I think that might be a problem.... I will check that as soon as I get home... The one that has me stumpped for now is the lines :::
    config: failed to parse line, skipping: use_dcc 1
    Oct 24 02:46:19 ridersnet spamd[2448]: config: failed to parse line, skipping: dcc_path /usr/local/bin/dccproc
    Oct 24 02:46:19 ridersnet spamd[2448]: config: failed to parse line, skipping: dcc_add_header 1
    Oct 24 02:46:19 ridersnet spamd[2448]: config: failed to parse line, skipping: dcc_dccifd_path /usr/local/bin/dccifd
    Oct 24 02:46:19 ridersnet spamd[2448]: config: failed to parse line, skipping: pyzor_add_header 1

    Or is this related to access issues?

    Once again, Thanks...
  4. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    I don't know where that comes from... What's in /etc/spamassassin/
  5. kwinnuxbie

    kwinnuxbie New Member


    When I looked at the file, those lines are in there just as I pasted them. But, there are also some other lines. As soon as I get home I will post the entire file here... Please look at my last Thread.. Seems like I got most of the errors ironed out with the exception of the mentioned here.. I am really stumpped on that one... I can't log on either web or pop...

  6. kwinnuxbie

    kwinnuxbie New Member

    Okay here is my and other complex issues

    this is my I have figured out why I can't be authenticated. Posted here as well so if you know the answer let me know..

    # These values can be overridden by editing ~/.spamassassin/
    # (see spamassassin(1) for details)

    # These should be safe assumptions and allow for simple visual sifting
    # without risking lost emails.

    #required_hits 5
    #report_safe 0
    #rewrite_header Subject [SPAM]

    # dcc
    use_dcc 1
    dcc_path /usr/local/bin/dccproc
    dcc_add_header 1
    dcc_dccifd_path /usr/local/bin/dccifd

    use_pyzor 1
    pyzor_path /usr/bin/pyzor
    pyzor_add_header 1

    use_razor2 1
    razor_config /var/spool/amavisd/razor-agent.conf

    use_bayes 1
    use_bayes_rules 1
    bayes_auto_learn 1


    INSERT INTO `users` (`email`, `password`, `quota`) VALUES ('[email protected]', password('12345'), 10485760);

    If I do this query ( I did this just to test I actually used both to see what hap

    QUERY ::::
    select * from users where users.password = password('12345');

    RESULT :::::
    | email | password | quota |
    | [email protected] | 15cxxxxxx4e53513| 10485760 |
    1 row in set (0.00 sec)

    So I did this..Notice the passwords are the same..
    INSERT INTO `users` (email, password, quota) VALUES ('[email protected]', encrypt('12345'), 10485760);
    INSERT INTO `users` (email, password, quota) VALUES ('[email protected]', encrypt('12345'), 10485760);

    mysql> select * from users ;
    | email | password | quota |
    | [email protected] | rZRbojx/bXQ7o | 10485760 | Is this a bug.
    So then I run this::::

    mysql> select * from users where password= encrypt('12345');

    AND I GET THIS :::: Empty set (0.00 sec)

  7. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    The encrypt function generates different strings from the same password, that's why you never get the same string when you run encrypt on the same password twice.

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