[Solved] Phpmyadmin can't randomly write to its tmp folder

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by Athar, Aug 11, 2024.

  1. Athar

    Athar New Member

    Hi there,

    I just installed a few weeks back the latest version on ISPConfig (ISPConfig Version: 3.2.12p1) and I spotted an odd behavior while using PhpMyAdmin.
    From time to time, there is a red error message on the bottom part, stating it can't write to the tmp folder (and sometimes, nothing displayed).

    So, after a quick look at the tmp folder :

    For an obscure reason, some folder are created by www-data instead of ispapps, and of course, when the error message appear, it's related to one of those folders.

    As you can see from this cropped capture, the chmod is also different (755 where the other are 770) and the folder 0c with the bad chmod, I did changed it's owner directly yesterday (but not for, as example, folder 20).

    What could cause such behavior and how to fix it ?

    Standard setup, made with the auto installer script, on fresh Debian 12.6.

    Thank you for your time and help :)
  2. ahrasis

    ahrasis Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

  3. Athar

    Athar New Member

    Hum... ok, maybe I did access it without the ":8081" port once and this bring the issue.

    I'll do some test (after applying those permissions settings that way).

    Thanks for the hint.

    Attached Files:

  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    No, its ispapps today as recent systems do not use mod-php anymore. www-data was used on older systems with mod-php only or when you access default Debian packages without the apps vhost.

    That's indeed the case. Access phpmyadmin on port 8081 only. If you use Apache and if you use it on port 8081 and port 80 or 443 intermittently and if you do not close your browser window in between using it on different ports, then you can get such an issue as the session is owned by the Linux user that runs the website and the apps vhost runs as ispapps. So there is nothing wrong here with the setup, you just switched between different URL's to access the same session without closing the browser window in between.
    Athar and ahrasis like this.
  5. Athar

    Athar New Member

    Well, thank you @till and @ahrasis for those precious infos, this is OK for me and I'll more cautious when accessing it now :p

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