I don't think that will work as the necessary services are not running. Do you have issues with your current system?
I've never tested that. You must at least be able to start mysql as the Migration Tool uses mysqldump to dump the databases on the old system. Starting mysql in rescue mode can be possible, I did that several times in the past, but thats's a few years ago, so not sure if it still works on a current Linux system.
yes it works !!!! Database migration fails due to a MariaDB versions ERROR at line 1: Unknown command '\-'.a_es_db [ERROR] job failed. Stopping Sync! This happens because this text appears in the header of the exported file. /*M!999999\- enable the sandbox mode */ -- MariaDB dump 10.19-11.2.5-MariaDB, for debian-linux-gnu (x86_64) The same version must be installed on the destination server I will try to post a basic guide
Which MariaDB version did you have on the old and new servers? Different MariaDB versions were not an issue in the past, but it seems as if something has been changed at MariaDB, as I saw the same \- escaping issue from another user last week.
This is completely intentional due to security patches see https://mariadb.org/mariadb-dump-file-compatibility-change/ Exporting from a fixed version and importing in an "outdated version" results in this error. Glad to hear this. I thought the disk was ro in rescue mode and the database not able to start.
We released a new version of the Migration Toolkit today, which solves the issue @Fermin mentioned in post #4. The new version also adds support for PHP 8.3 on the source server (it was already supported on the target server) and supports dash instead of bash as the system shell. You can get the new version by just re-downloading it from the usual URL (see wget command in the Migration tutorial).