The websites I manage at the company are always created by the Ispconfig admin. With this, I realize that only us admin can change the PHP version. I still need to maintain this way of only admin creating the site initially, but I want to be able to make the user able to change the version. Does anyone know where in the database table I can change this? So that the user can change the PHP version.
See System > Interface > Main config > Sites > Client protection checkbox to disable that websites that the admin creates for a client without using login as function are protected from changes.
I did this and it still doesn't enter the action queue when the user switches versions. But even if it worked, I would only need to configure it so that some specific users can change the PHP version. I work at a university. The sites we create are limited and we are not afraid to leave them free to users. Only for some users who have technical knowledge I want to leave this freedom to change the PHP version to facilitate development.
My understanding is the client protection checkbox removes the protection from websites created after the checkbox is turned off. Maybe those users with technical knowledge could create the website themselves using their client login?
Ok, in this case you'll indeed have to leave the client protection on and manually deactivate it in the database for a single site. Take a look into the web_domain table, find the record for the website you want to change, there you set sys_perm_group to the value 'riud'.
I did it. But even placing riod in the sys_perm_group the client cannot change the PHP version. The user can only change the PHP version if he creates the website. Is there anything else I can check?
Sorry. It was just a writing error, but I did try with 'riud'. Only when the user creates the website can he change the php.
Compare the settings of a site the user created in regard to the sys_* columns with one that is not editable and change the uneditable one accordingly then you should be able to edit that as well. All information about ownership of a record and what a user may do with it is encoded in the sys_* columns of the record.