Adding services without installing OS components

Discussion in 'ISPConfig 3 Priority Support' started by kobuki, Oct 12, 2024 at 1:54 PM.

  1. kobuki

    kobuki Member HowtoForge Supporter

    I'm in the process of reorganizing my ISPC cluster. I want to simplify a few things. Let's say that I want to add the possibility of managing email services from the UI, but I want it to only modify the local database. My plan is to flag the main host as Webserver, Fileserver and Mailserver, but I just want to manage the mail config that's stored in the dbispconfig schema. The web/ftp services should work as usual. Can I achieve that by deleting the /usr/local/ispconfig/server/mods-enabled/ symlink? Or will it just accumulate cron tasks that never get executed? What do I need to make this work?
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    This will happen then.

    If you want to have a larger setup with a dedicated UI server, then you must install it like this:

    1) GUI node without any services enabled. This system will act as master for all other servers.
    2) Add all other servers as slave nodes to run the services.

    So you are using the GUI of the central node, but when adding e.g. a website in the GUI, you select the slave node where the website shall reside on.
  3. kobuki

    kobuki Member HowtoForge Supporter

    I see. That's what I do now - use a master server (that also houses websites) and slaves for other functions. What I want to do instead, is use the master server as a kind of "metadata store" for some (but not all) external services that are not ISPC slaves. I guess it's not possible, then? For instance, activating a service, like mail, on the master, but not actually installing mail services in the OS? The database would still be updated with service-related data for clients, but no actual service provisioning would take place.
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    What you try to do might work, just checked the logic in the code. Take care to disable all modules and all plugins for these services on the master by removing their symlinks in mods-enabled and plugins-enabled folder. The server process will run then and process the changes but there will be no config on the server.
  5. kobuki

    kobuki Member HowtoForge Supporter

    I see, thanks for checking. I will try that soon and come back with how it went.
  6. kobuki

    kobuki Member HowtoForge Supporter

    OK, thanks, it seems to work. I de-flagged the slave server for the specific service, flagged the master, and made sure that no related plugins and modules are active on the master. Adding/changing resources still creates datalog entries, but they're consumed by the scheduled ISPC processes so the "red dot" also disappears by the next run, even in this situation, where the actual modules aren't active. The database contains the added resources. So far, so good.
    till likes this.

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