Can't send or receive email

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by Cinabro, Nov 22, 2024.

  1. Cinabro

    Cinabro New Member

    Hi everyone
    I installed ISPConfig3 on ubuntu 24 with automatic script. I can operate with everything, even use thunderbird to download email.
    When i try to send new email or receive i got 2 different messages:
    1 - email doesn't exist
    2 - temporary lookup failure
    I create a domain different from the server name, put dkim dmarc and so on
    I checked DNS in resolv systemctl and spool and when i try nslookup work fine, in log NO evidence of error.
    My server is situated in a datacenter with NAT, but web and other things work fine, checked log of gateway and no sign of traffic
    Any clue?
  2. Taleman

    Taleman Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Not much. More information needed.
    Start with this:
    What command line arguments did you use for the automatic script?
    Please provide complete error messages and and log lines.
    Check your DNS for example with
    Check your e-mail setup with this:
    My signature has link to e-mail setup tutorial.
    There is this fine document instructing how to create e-mail account.
  3. Cinabro

    Cinabro New Member

    Hi , yes you right, is not the fisrt time i implement ISPConfig3 with previous version of Ubuntu and never had this issue

    script used:
    wget -O - | sh -s -- --use-ftp-ports=40110-40210 --unattended-upgrades

    OS: ubuntu 24

    ISPC queue log:
    -Queue ID- --Size-- ----Arrival Time---- -Sender/Recipient-------
    E037560D14* 629 Fri Nov 22 10:13:35 [email protected]
    [email protected]

    EE665624C9 624 Fri Nov 22 10:37:45 [email protected]
    (connect to[x.x.x.x]:25: Connection timed out)
    [email protected]
    (connect to[]:25: Connection timed out)
    [email protected]

    Both domain i can reach from the ISPConfig server, checked already

    Temporary lookup failure; from=<[email protected]> to=<[email protected]> proto=ESMTP helo=<>
  4. Taleman

    Taleman Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Does your server have public IP address routable in the Internet? Or have you setup forwarding or proxy to the server behind NAT?
    Is port 25 open both ways?
  5. Cinabro

    Cinabro New Member

    Server is on NAT and port open in both way, checked already
  6. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    That's not the case. Port 25 outgoing is closed; otherwise you would not have received these two errors:

    EE665624C9 624 Fri Nov 22 10:37:45 [email protected]
    (connect to[x.x.x.x]:25: Connection timed out)
    [email protected]
    (connect to[]:25: Connection timed out)
    [email protected]
  7. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    You can test it with telnet. Run apt install telnet, and then:

    root@server:~# telnet 25
    Connected to
    Escape character is '^]'.
    220 ESMTP 41be03b00d2f7-7fbd74cc42dsi757220a12.695 - gsmtp
    If you do not get the connect output from Google, then port 25 is closed.
  8. Cinabro

    Cinabro New Member

    I think i see the problem.
    UFW was disabled but block port 25 out
    That's strange and my bad i was assuming once disabled work fine, i will work on it and will reply
  9. Cinabro

    Cinabro New Member

    Well i can confirm was 2 different problem related to firewall and NAT.

    1 - ufw even if disabled for some strange reason filtered the port
    2 - once tested that and fix, NAT was stuck in some rules.

    Now everything work fine thanks
    till likes this.

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