Raid rebuilding

Discussion in 'Server Operation' started by ColdDoT, Oct 29, 2006.

  1. ColdDoT

    ColdDoT Member

    Hello again (after big server crash)

    i have taken a relook to my raid system.

    this is in fstab
    proc            /proc           proc    defaults        0       0
    /dev/hde1       /               ext3    defaults,errors=remount-ro,usrquota,grpquota 0       1
    /dev/hdc2       /boot           ext3    defaults        0       2
    /dev/md0        /var            ext3    defaults        0       2
    /dev/hdc3       none            swap    sw              0       0
    /dev/hda        /media/cdrom0   iso9660 ro,user,noauto  0       0
    this is when i run mdam
    server:~# mdadm /dev/md1
    /dev/md1: 72.64GiB raid1 2 devices, 1 spare. Use mdadm --detail for more detail.
    server:~# mdadm /dev/md0
    /dev/md0: 64.50GiB raid1 2 devices, 0 spares. Use mdadm --detail for more detail.
    The /proc/mdstat file currently contains the following
    Personalities : [raid1] 
    read_ahead 1024 sectors
    md0 : active raid1 ide/host1/bus0/target0/lun0/part4[0]
          67633536 blocks [2/1] [U_]
    md1 : active raid1 ide/host1/bus1/target0/lun0/part2[0]
          76172096 blocks [2/1] [U_]
    unused devices: <none>
    Detaild output
            Version : 00.90.02
      Creation Time : Wed Jan 18 15:50:39 2006
         Raid Level : raid1
         Array Size : 67633536 (64.50 GiB 69.26 GB)
        Device Size : 67633536 (64.50 GiB 69.26 GB)
       Raid Devices : 2
      Total Devices : 1
    Preferred Minor : 0
        Persistence : Superblock is persistent
        Update Time : Sun Oct 29 14:38:43 2006
              State : active, degraded
     Active Devices : 1
    Working Devices : 1
     Failed Devices : 0
      Spare Devices : 0
               UUID : 9ac9b941:4446a4fa:03a7860f:ebd53b67
             Events : 0.138577
        Number   Major   Minor   RaidDevice State
           0      22        4        0      active sync   /dev/hdc4
           1       0        0        1      removed
            Version : 00.90.00
      Creation Time : Mon Jan 30 16:17:10 2006
         Raid Level : raid1
         Array Size : 76172096 (72.64 GiB 78.00 GB)
        Device Size : 76172096 (72.64 GiB 78.00 GB)
       Raid Devices : 2
      Total Devices : 3
    Preferred Minor : 1
        Persistence : Superblock is persistent
        Update Time : Sun Oct 29 14:38:43 2006
              State : active, degraded
     Active Devices : 1
    Working Devices : 1
     Failed Devices : 2
      Spare Devices : 1
               UUID : d4d9da1f:2c766230:e2b77d58:31c0828a
             Events : 0.267
        Number   Major   Minor   RaidDevice State
           0      33        2        0      active sync   /dev/hde2
           1       0        0        1      removed
    What the hell? now it is sure none of my hardisk are broken right?

    Can some 1 help me

    Greets ColdDoT
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2006
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

  3. ColdDoT

    ColdDoT Member

    WoW my server is more f*cked up then i tought :s

    it isn't that big deal because over about 3 weeks i'm gonna redo the whole system

    thx for all
  4. ghys

    ghys New Member

    thanks for the great links. Very good info in them.
    I am still looking for the best all around solution for the system i have to setup.

    Either Raid 1 with a spare drive to backup or Raid 5.
    I will not duplicate posts since i already asked something in here(another thread).
    I will continue looking for the right answer.

    thanks again.

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