Hello, I can't figure out how to use the Sites -> Site-> Domain ->Web server config (where is this populated ?), also I am confused by Directive snippets System -> Directive snippets. There is "Update sites using this snippet" checkbox, The is also column directive_snippets_id in table web_domain in database but how to link the snippets? If I click on the Available Apache Directive Snippets in site options it just pastes the snippet content but does not link it I have the older manual for version 3.1 are there some new manual ? On the website is last update as 27/09/2016 ISPConfig 3.1 Manual; Date: 09/27/2016 Authors: Till Brehm, Falko Timme More then 400 pages
If you make the snippets available for customers, then they can select them in the website settings which links them to the site. That's indeed how it should work when using it as admin.
Is there some way to be able to link multiple snippets? I was thinking is more for admin like "Premium website" where you can for example create snippet for bigger upload sizes and link it to websites. If you then need to change it it will change it on all "Premium websites". Are these new things in manual?
No, that's why the admin can add them through the custom Apache directives field without linking them to the site. That's not a new function, this is available for probably 10 or more years now. ISPConfig manual chapter Directive Snippets
Yes, I read that chapter but the checkboxes are not all described in manual. Customer viewable and change all linked checkboxes are not in the manual mentioned, so I was thinking it is something new.