Sorry in advance for the long post. I still call myself a newb to all of this, so I don't know how much info is too much . . . I am searching far and wide to find out how I can install php5 with the openssl extension ( on Dapper. There is no php5-openssl package (nor for debian, it seems). Downloading the source and peeking at php5sourcedir/debian/rules suggests that the package php5 should do the trick (--with-openssl=/usr \), but after apt-get install..., there is no in /usr/lib/php5/20051025/ (where all the other php extensions are). I then (after the appropriate apt-get remove..., and apt-get build-dep php5), tried creating my own package (dpkg) with /debian/rules pointing to (on subsequent attempts): /usr/lib/ssl /usr/bin/openssl /usr/include/openssl Each time, getting a configure error for openssl about not being able to find "evp.h". I even tried copying all the headers (from /usr/include/openssl) to /usr/lib/ssl and running it (then it said it could find any openssl headers ???). I finally tried making a package with --with-openssl (but no dir info), and the .debs were made. When I installed, however, it was as if I'd used apt (no I'm kind of at my wits end here. Any help would be most appreciated.
Are you sure there is no such package for Ubuntu 6.06? What's the output of Code: apt-cache search php ?
Thanks for the reply! Yep. I performed that search, as well as many different "advanced" searchs on (even searching the contents of all packages for only yielded 2 results--both having nothing to do w/ php). However, one thing I did not try before is phpinfo(), which tells me that openssl support IS enabled (after an apt-get installation), even though there is no mention of ssl in any php.ini on the system. So, I'm presently investigating whether or not that is indeed the case. Is it possible that openssl support was made "native" to php after a certain version or something? I'll report back later.
I promised an update, so here it is--that looks like it is indeed the case--there is no longer an needed. I eventually 'solved' my issue by learning that php presently does not support certain versions of TLS--something to do with how php can use STARTTLS. Fortunately, I got around this by being able to switch to SSL.