Deleted admin account

Discussion in 'General' started by sn3f3ru, Nov 14, 2006.

  1. sn3f3ru

    sn3f3ru New Member


    I've done a very stupid mistake and deleted the admin account on a OS level.

    Is there any way I can still access my ISPConfig?

    I've tried recreating the username, but without success.

    Thank you.
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    You mean the ISPConfig admin user in the mysql database? Do you have access to the database with e.g. phpmyadmin?
  3. sn3f3ru

    sn3f3ru New Member

    the ISPConfig admin; I have access to the database (no phpmyadmin, but console).
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Please run this SQL command in the ISPConfig database to get a new admin user:

    INSERT INTO `sys_user` (`doc_id`, `doctype_id`, `groupid`, `username`, `passwort`, `pwcl`, `design`, `gueltig`, `language`, `mailmax`, `bookmark_order`, `email`, `news`, `modul`, `nav_color`, `box_color`, `site`, `domain`, `perms`, `modules`, `anrede`, `vorname`, `name`, `strasse`, `plz`, `ort`, `telefon`, `fax`, `email_home`, `alter1`, `woher`, `land`, `passwortRecover`, `newsletter`, `userid`) VALUES 
    (1, 1, 0, 'admin', '21232f297a57a5a743894a0e4a801fc3', '', 'blau', 1, 'en', 5120000, 1, 'admin', 1, 'isp', '123456', 'E4E4E4', 'ISPConfig', '', 'rwa', 'sys,isp,dns,isp_file,isp_fakt,tools,help', 'Herr', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'Deutschland', '', 0, 1);
    The password is "admin".
  5. sn3f3ru

    sn3f3ru New Member

    Many thanks Till, this did the trick.

    Have a nice day.

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