Problems with creating Co-domains

Discussion in 'General' started by bobsta63, Dec 5, 2006.

  1. bobsta63

    bobsta63 New Member

    Hi all,

    Hope someone can help me :)

    I have a problem adding c0-domains here is my situation:-

    I have a domain name registered with UKReg, Now I have pointed the A Name and MX records to my server IP address. I have created the site and it works fine. I have also added the co-domain and have fowarded it to a folder in my 'web' root called support, so that should work fine, However if I try to locate: it doesnt work! - When I create the co-domain do I have to check 'create dns'? When I created I didnt have to tick 'create DNS'

    Hope someone can help,

    Thanks in advance,

  2. edge

    edge Active Member Moderator

    All you really need to do is create in the UKReg an other A record with as A host: care, and point it to your server's IP.
    You do not need to tick: 'create dns' as you are using the UKReg DNS server.

    An other way of doing this is to create a CNAMES (Aliases) named: care, and point it to @.
    You will also need to do this at UKReg.

    Option one is better I think.
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2006
  3. bobsta63

    bobsta63 New Member

    Thanks a ton edge,

    Im now gunna give it ago :)
  4. bobsta63

    bobsta63 New Member

    This works perfectly fine for .com domains but I don't think UKReg enables you to add A & MX Names for domains as the option when I try to configure a domain doesnt appear. :(

    How would I go about setting up my own domain server?

    Is it just a case of creating a .com domain, pointing hosts and to my ISPConfig server and then on the domains (that I want to host on my DNS Server) change the nameservers to: and and create a DNS Master for the domain on nmy ISPConfig server?
  5. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

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