Peoples from Brazil or Portugal using ISPConfig...

Discussion in 'General' started by VMartins, Oct 13, 2006.

  1. VMartins

    VMartins New Member

    Hi All,

    Someone know if has another Brazilian using the ISPConfig? I want a help from anyone to verify some parts of my translantion of ISPConfig to Brazilian Portuguese...

    Also, people from Portugal, Angola, Cabo Verde, Madagascar, Macau... And other portuguese countries is very welcome!


    Sao Paulo - Brasil
  2. dfamorato

    dfamorato New Member

  3. Thiago Beier

    Thiago Beier New Member

    eu to dentro

    se precisar de ajuda,
    eu baixei hoje o meu ispconfig segui o howto do centos 4.4
    ficou show no inicio achei confuso mas esta bom

    ja me acostumei
    gostei demais, e to usando ele num provedor de wireless
  4. VMartins

    VMartins New Member


    Olá Thiago,

    Acabo de escrever um e-mail para você. Sua colaboração vai ser muito bem vinda. Eu já consegui os acessos com o pessoal de desenvolvimento do ISPConfig.

    Esse final de semana estarei preparando um material nosso para traduzir, e envio para você e para o Douglas.

    Vocês conhecem mais algum usuário do ISPConfig no Brasil? Eu mandei uma mensagem para a comunidade Debian e ninguém respondeu. Se souberem de mais pessoas, vamos incluí-las pelo menos para testar a nossas versão pt-br.

    Fico feliz que tenham de prontificado a ajudar :D


  5. horus.solaris

    horus.solaris New Member

    Mais ajuda

    Oi Vinicius!

    Como ta indo a traducao? Caso ainda esteja em andamento, gostaria de ajudar.


  6. sjau

    sjau Local Meanie Moderator

    Please use English in this forum so that anyone may participate.

  7. horus.solaris

    horus.solaris New Member


    ooops... :D Thanks for the reminder.

    FYI: I was asking the status of the translation and offering help.

  8. BullyWug

    BullyWug New Member

    I can help, im from Portugal, for translation of portuguese from portugal :p

  9. horus.solaris

    horus.solaris New Member

    Cool! Thanks BullyWug. I'm waiting until next week to get a reply from VMartins, dfmorato or Thiago.They might be on the beach, it's summer down there! :) Just don't want to start translating something that has been done... :eek:

    I'll contact you soon.


  10. VMartins

    VMartins New Member

    Sorry guys about my delay in this answer.

    Today I will send a email to separate the material to translate. What is your e-mail Horus and BullyWug?

    We have 5 guys in this work :)


  11. horus.solaris

    horus.solaris New Member

    horus.solaris ~at~ gmail {dot} com
  12. VMartins

    VMartins New Member


    I sended a e-mail to you and BullyWug.

    Inté mais,

  13. mofontes

    mofontes New Member

    Can I help you in this translation?
  14. BullyWug

    BullyWug New Member

    any help is well yelcome. we are working in two ways the pt-BR translation and the pt-PT translation.

    for more info try to contact for my mail or horus

    Best Regards
  15. marcilio

    marcilio New Member

    Hi, pt/pt-br friends,

    Can I help you in this translation, too...??


  16. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    ISPConfig is already translated to brazilian portuguese. Just select "br" as language under tools.

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