memory leak when choosing folder?

Discussion in 'General' started by afmachado, Dec 28, 2006.

  1. afmachado

    afmachado New Member

    memory leak when choosing email folder list?

    I have ONE of my email accounts wich I am unable to delete some folders.
    When I select the
    Personal settings > Folders
    the memory usage of Debian 3.1 sarge on Xen start to grow wildly.
    The ispconfig use up to 900 MB , filling swap and making system unresponsive.
    Top shows more than 70% wa (waiting for disk), kswapd becomes super active.
    I have to restart ispconfig 2.2.9 before whole system goes out of control by swap exhaustion.

    This only happens to ONE email account (the site admin).

    How could I track the problem?:confused:

    Andre Felipe
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2006
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    ISPConfig has no "personal settings > folders" menu. About which application are you talking then, a webmail client?
  3. afmachado

    afmachado New Member

    memory leak when choosing email folder list?

    It is the roundcube webmail package , interacting with the ispconfig (it seems, as I have to restart ispconfig).
    From what observed, I guess that roundcube is trying to modify folders that ispconfig mark as "administrator" or change location.
    I can reproduce this. If , at ispconfig, unmark this user account as administrator then the folder tab works as expected, not using too much memory.:confused:
    How could I track this?

    Andre Felipe
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Roundcube is not interacting with ISPConfig at all, its a completely separate application. It only runs on the same webserver then the ISPConfig controlpanel, which is a unmodified apache werbserver.

    To track this, you would have to debug roundcube. I guess roundcube troes to load every folder of the adminisrator in memory which would be a very bad behaviours as any linux system user can have a large amount of files in his home directory. Another problem might be that roundcube is not compatible with linux symlinks.
  5. afmachado

    afmachado New Member

    memory leak when choosing email folder list?

    Thanks for your suggestion.
    When not marked as "admin", the user's folders tab displays some tar.gz big files.
    I removed them using ftp.
    Used "find / -user problematic_user" to locate files belonging to that user.
    Discovered that all site belongs to this user when admin....
    The weird memory usage happens again when marked as admin, even with ..../user/problematic_user folder with a few small files.
    Maybe it is trying to load entire site in memory.
    How verify this?
    Andre Felipe
  6. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The best solution is to ask this the roundcube developers in the roundcube forum or mailing list. The ISPConfig admin user is just a simple linux system user with some subdirectories inside his home directory. When roundcube tries to load all data in the homedir of a linux user into memory, I would consider this to be a roundcube bug.

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