I want to install the latest version of Denyhosts on CentOS 4.3. Has anyone tried this yet? The latest version of Denyhosts is 2.4, and it requires python 2.4, but installation of the latest python breaks yum and up2date. Any ideas?
Have you used yum to search for CentOS python packages? Run Code: yum search python What's the output?
Sorry for the wait. My first attempt with the latest version of python crashed yum. I had to do a fresh install of CentOS. Good thing I was only just starting to configure the system, and not in production. I ended up just doing a yum install python and then installing denyhosts per your how-to instructions. Even used the older version of denyhosts. Went without a hitch. Thanks anyway.
Config files Where are: DENYHOSTS_BIN = "/usr/local/bin/denyhosts.py" # looks right DENYHOSTS_LOCK = # I have no idea from: http://www.howtoforge.com/preventin...s_with_denyhosts?from=20&comments_per_page=10 This might be a dumb question, but im new to linux. Any help would be much appreciated.
? /var/run/denyhosts.pid doesnt exist, should I still use that as the path? The last thing I want to do is mess up my ability to SSH connect.