Hi, I've installed ISPconfig and it was running ok until I changed the firewall settings (management->settings). If I restart the ISPconfig I get the following message: Notice: Undefined index: s in /home/admispconfig/ispconfig/lib/config.inc.php on line 53 I don't beliefe it has something to do with the firewall setting but that was the last change I made. I'm now unable to use ISPconfig but all the websites that are created through it are running fine. Does anyone know what is causing the error and or how to solve it? Thanks!
yep, that's it! for debugging purposes I had set the following settings: error_reporting = E_ALL display_errors = on forgot all about it Thanks a million!
This error does not occur in any ISPConfig installation unless you changed the ISPConfig php.ini file. You seeem to have changed the error reporting to a higher lever and you must undo that change.