Global alias for postfix virtual domains.

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by triak, Jan 16, 2007.

  1. triak

    triak New Member

    How can I set up global mail accounts abuse, postmaster etc. when using postfix virtual domains? We are using Falco's exellent how-to with some minor adjustments, final delivery is done by maildrop and user configurable SA settings trough squirrelmail.
  2. martinfst

    martinfst Member Moderator

    Edit /etc/aliases and run the 'newaliases' command?
    I have looked at/used this howto, but this should work normally, no matter how you got it installed.
  3. triak

    triak New Member

    And how exactly? We have about 20 domains in our system. Should I add an entry for each domain? Or can I use some kind of wildcard like abuse@mydestination or abuse@*? That was what I ment with global-aliases.
    tia: triak.....
  4. martinfst

    martinfst Member Moderator

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