FC 6 desktop resolution

Discussion in 'Desktop Operation' started by deep_thought, Jan 16, 2007.

  1. deep_thought

    deep_thought New Member

    hello everyone. i recently downloaded FC 6 and installed it my machine.
    however whenever i try to change my desktop resolution i get a message saying.....

    display settings changed.you need to logout and log back in to start the Xserver
    change written to /etc/X11/xorg.conf
    change written to /etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup

    but when i logout and log back in the resolution is the same as the previous one.

    how do i change the settings ??? :-(
  2. martinfst

    martinfst Member Moderator

    You can try to use the key combination <alt><ctrl><backspace>. This will restart your window manager. Close any applications before, as this command will effectively close anything running.
  3. deep_thought

    deep_thought New Member

    the resolution doesnt change even when i restart my computer........
  4. deep_thought

    deep_thought New Member

    i have tried the key combination u told me . it still doesnt work
  5. martinfst

    martinfst Member Moderator

    Maybe you need to do the setting in your desktop manager. On my Ubuntu / Gnome Workstation I have under the menu 'System' -> 'Preferences' an option 'Screen Resolution'.
    I recall that I had to set it there to make my changes to /etc/X11/xorg.conf effective. :cool:
  6. deep_thought

    deep_thought New Member

    thanks it worked now.!!!!

    but i have one more problem. i have downloaded the adobe flash player from onto my comp.
    but each time a flash program has to be played on my comp,it says plugin missing though i have installed it .
    i think that the mozilla browser is not able to recognise that flash player has been installed .
    how do i make this change effective ?
  7. martinfst

    martinfst Member Moderator

    Don't know. It worked immediately for me. Any errors? How did you install it?
  8. deep_thought

    deep_thought New Member

    i installed it through forefox itself.
    a window automatically popped up and i went through the procedure . it got installed.

    i have installed it both as a normal user and root user.

    the installation works only for root user.
    it doesnt work for normal user.
  9. martinfst

    martinfst Member Moderator

    Oke and after you installed it for root, did it work for the user?

    On my workstation I'm never logged on as root. Always as a normal user. If any install script requires root rights, most Ubuntu utilities are kind enough to ask for your password so you run the script with 'sudo'. And if something doesn't I'll put 'sudo' in front of the command myself. Hey, I never ever assign a passwd to root now-a-days. Makes your systems a bit more secure.
  10. deep_thought

    deep_thought New Member

    sorry .
    i was unavailable for all these days.
    yes it works for the root user.
    but for the normal user, it says javascript disabled or download the latest version of flash player.

    i checked the firefox settings. it says javascript is enabled.
    and even the missing plugin is installed thru firefox itself. it doesnt work in normal user but the same procedure if followed as root user it worked
  11. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Maybe you must copy the Flash Player library (libflashplayer.so or similar) from root's plugin directory to the user's Firefox Plugin directory manually.
  12. deep_thought

    deep_thought New Member

    could you please tell me the procedure to do that :)
  13. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Find out where the Flash Player plugin is currently installed (e.g. by running
    locate flash
    ) and then copy the file to your user's Firefox plugin directory.

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