It appears that when I use the listen-on directive, the BIND status indicator in Management/Server/Services changes to OFFLINE although BIND continues to work perfectly fine. /root/ispconfig/isp/conf/named.conf.master : options { ( ... ) listen-on {; }; ( ... ) }; /etc/hosts : localhost.localdomain localhost jupiter 89.149.220.xx1 neptune 89.149.220.xx2 mercury ISPConfig is running on the same IP (Management/Server/Settings). There are 2 additional IPs on the system which I've entered in the field IP List. Does the status indicator check those IPs too? If so, that'd explain it, but I'd like to bind the nameserver (what a pun) to one IP and still get a correct status indication. Can this be done? Thanks PS: restarted bind and rebooted the server several times, there are no detectable errors in the logs
I believe that the check_services script checks for port 53 (Bind) on localhost. Have a look at /root/ispconfig/scripts/shell/check_services.php You can try to change the code: Code: /* // Checke BIND-Server if(!$this->_check_tcp('localhost',53)) { $warning .= "Warning: service named not running (server: ".$server_name.")!\n\n"; } */ to: Code: /* // Checke BIND-Server if(!$this->_check_tcp('',53)) { $warning .= "Warning: service named not running (server: ".$server_name.")!\n\n"; } */ Edit by Clogboy: Please don't use the above, this code doesn't work. Please see solution by martinfst below.
Thanks Clogboy and martinfst, Editing check_services.php didn't work, but adding to the listen directive did the trick. Probably better to keep it that way anyway, who knows what else might expect services to run on localhost, regardless of any "outside world" IPs.
The check_services script is only responsible for the warning emails, the script that shows the status in the interface is /home/admispconfig/ispconfig/lib/plugins/check_services.plugin.php just for reference