Another name for ispc server

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by tom1gozzi, Jan 24, 2007.

  1. tom1gozzi

    tom1gozzi New Member

    Thank you very much for the how-to "The Perfect Setup - Debian Sarge (3.1)"

    Every thing functions perfectly, then currently I must change the name of my server

    ispconfig and I quite naturally changed this name in the server-manager.

    But i am not really sure as this was a good idea ? (I found that in file "/etc/hosts" the last server name is staying unchanged )

    Can you assure me if it is possible to be able to change this name in this manner?

    Or the possibilities to carry out this operation?

    Thanks a lot for any answer.
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The name in the server manager is used only in ISPConfig. If you want to change your server name globally, change it in the files /etc/hosts and /etc/hostname, then execute

    hostname -F /etc/hostname
  3. tom1gozzi

    tom1gozzi New Member

    Fine ! Thank you very much for this answer.

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