mailuser : cannot acces

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by cotthemh, Jan 7, 2007.

  1. 3DPeruna

    3DPeruna New Member

    authdaemonrc (stripped of comments):

    authmodulelistorig="authuserdb authpam authpgsql authldap authmysql authcustom authpipe"

  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Looks ok. Please run
    /etc/init.d/courier-authdaemon restart
    and try again.
  3. 3DPeruna

    3DPeruna New Member

  4. robforrest

    robforrest New Member

    I'm having exactly the same problem except that the solution on the other thread does nothing for me.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  5. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Which distribution are you using? Any errors in your mail log? What's the output of
    netstat -tap
  6. Lellel

    Lellel New Member

    I have the same problem.


    I´m on ubuntu edgy version. I have followed the "perfect server setup", and been able to configure an smtp relay since my ISP is blocking port 25.

    I have followed this thread as far as i understand, but i havent been able to change Postfix and Courier to only use IPv4. I didn´t find any setting in the config files to change it.

    Problem description:

    I have activated mailuser login i ISP-C, but my testuser cant login to with the mailadress, but he can login with web1_test (the username).

    When i log in to in i can log in with mailadress, and i can send emails out to gmail and other external mailservers.

    However, when the mail arrives at gmail, and i look on the "from" field, it says it was sent from "" not from ""...

    I hope you skilled guys can help me find a solution for this problem.. =)

    Cheers, Lellel
  7. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer


    your problems have nothing to do with IPv4 or IPv6.

    Please make sure that the website has a co-domain (with empty hostname).

    You must change the sending address under options in the webmail client.
  8. Lellel

    Lellel New Member

    Last edited: Jan 27, 2007
  9. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

  10. Lellel

    Lellel New Member

    still cant login as a mailuser. =(

    Thanks for helping!
    You guys are really nice.

    Cheers, Lellel
  11. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

  12. Lellel

    Lellel New Member

    I really appreciate your help!

    Yes, the url: works perfectly fine. My problem is that, when i try to login as a mailuser with the mailadress for instance i get the error code "unknown user" (but in swedish ;) )

    But if i try to login with the username, web1_test, i can login. If I have understand it right, the users are supposed to login with their mailadress - not the username.

  13. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    No, for the mailuser interface you need the username, not the email address.
  14. abileneken

    abileneken New Member

    Error: Could not get login password entry response

    ok, I am a little new to this but I have successfully set up two ISPConfig servers up The primary server is the one I am using at this point. It is set up using Perfect setup OpenSuse10.1 -this server is
    I have a website hosted ( have yet to figure out POP3 access. I have set up a test mail account. User:web14_test password:test
    I have been able to reach and when I try and login with web14_test , I get: Error: Could not get login password entry response
    I have tried to login with just test and the email address, as well as just test (trying everything) and I get Error: Unknown User.
    I am using Outlook and have set the Incoming and Outgoing mail servers as and it comes up with the following errors:
    Outlook could not connect to the incoming POP3 mailserver because the mailserver did not accept your user name or password.
    Error: The specified server was found, but there was no response from the server.
    Can you help me with this?
  15. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    What's the output of
    netstat -tap
    ? Did you disable AppArmor?
  16. abileneken

    abileneken New Member

    Netstat and Apparmor:

    Here is the output from netstat -tap:
    tcp 0 0 localhost.loc:npmp-trap : LISTEN 3401/famd
    tcp 0 0 * :mysql LISTEN 1905/mysqld
    tcp 0 0 * :sunrpc LISTEN 2473/portmap
    tcp 0 0 localhost.lo:novell-zen : LISTEN 2753/zmd
    tcp 0 0 * :hosts2-ns : LISTEN 2763/ispconfig_http
    tcp 0 0 * :ftp : LISTEN 27711/proftpd : (acc
    tcp 0 0 ns1.abilenecompu:domain : LISTEN 17045/named
    tcp 0 0 localhost.locald:domain : LISTEN 17045/named
    tcp 0 0 * :ipp : LISTEN 2912/cupsd
    tcp 0 0 * :smtp : LISTEN 27716/master
    tcp 0 0 localhost.localdoma:953 : LISTEN 17045/named
    tcp 0 0 * :imaps : LISTEN 2584/couriertcpd
    tcp 0 0 * :pop3s : LISTEN 2598/couriertcpd
    tcp 0 0 * :pop3 : LISTEN 2576/couriertcpd
    tcp 0 0 * :imap : LISTEN 2564/couriertcpd
    tcp 0 0 * :www-http : LISTEN 3004/httpd2-prefork
    tcp 0 0 * :ssh : LISTEN 2943/sshd
    tcp 0 0 * :smtp : LISTEN 27716/master
    tcp 0 0 localhost:953 : LISTEN 17045/named
    tcp 0 0 * :https : LISTEN 3004/httpd2-prefork
    tcp 0 148 ns1.abilenecomputer: ssh 216.167.1: atc-appserver ESTABLISHED 3965/0

    As far as Apparmor goes-
    boot.apparmor 0:eek:ff 1:eek:ff 2:eek:ff 3:eek:ff 4:eek:ff 5:eek:ff 6:eek:ff
  17. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Have you sent an email to that user before you tried to log in? Maildir is created when the first email arrives. It's possible you couldn't log in because Maildir didn't exist yet.

    You're the third one today having problems with OpenSuSE 10.2 (although everyone's problems were different). Maybe it's a sign to use a different distribution? ;)
  18. abileneken

    abileneken New Member

    Email Issues

    Yes I have sent test emails to the server, one account got returned the other did not. Other than that, I still cannot log in. Telling me that I need to change operating systems does not work. Think I might need to use something other than ISPConfig.
  19. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

  20. abileneken

    abileneken New Member

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