newbie is trying to install the isp components from the perfect server install on a normal hedgehog install (not server) Is this possible? Being new, I prefer the gui and not concerned about resources. What are the steps to gconfig-edit the interfaces file? I have tried from a prompt and it says gconfig app not found; when I try to open the interfaces file from the gconfig gui it does not list this file anywhere. Why do the perfect install procedures include a 2nd virtual server IP along with the regular static IP? Would I be better off with the server version and later install gnome or kde? If so, how? Thanks in advance for your help - Bill
Welcome Bill, What are the steps to gconfig-edit the interfaces file? ~$ sudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces Why do the perfect install procedures include a 2nd virtual server IP along with the regular static IP? - I assign different static IP address to those domains that need secure (https) connection. - I always give my primary hosting domain it's own IP address. I assign those domains that do not need secure connection a common IP address. - It's not necessary to add an addition static IP address. Cheers
I think so, though I haven't tested. In your case I'd start with page 3 of the setup ( ), and I'd do it in a command shell (as root). Open a command shell from your gui, and run the commands as root. I'd suggest that you use the editor vi instead of gconfig. A short instruction on how to use vi can be found here:
thanks and more questions thanks for the quick replies; things started hummin along today - somewhere on page 4 I realized (after reading thru helps and posts) my host/hostname/domain conventions were really dorked up. Kind of like spaghetti to fix I thought it would be easier to reinstall which I did probably 3 more times since. Now for some reason, every file or action that I attempt tells me I don't have privledges. This was not happpening on the first install - I thought the su would stick throughout the process; at least it did the one time. Just following the ISP procedure - not venturing anywhere else. Is it possible when recreating those partitions that the new install retains some kind of data from the former? My brain is fried at the moment but what is the best practice to get around this permissions thing? Gedit is kind of a pain - I prefer the prompt if possible. Just to be clear - when I try to vi a file (doing sudo first) at the bottom of the file it will say Read Only; :x! has no effect. It did not do this before - or maybe I am losing it! Thanks for you patience with this - Bill
This might not be a good idea tosome users, but I am pretty comfortable logging in as root. As stated on the how-to, you have to enable root. It will ask you for the original password for admin. Then it will ask for root password, then a conformation. Got to Menu: System --> Admin --> Login Screen Setup --> Security --> Enable root to log into GDM. That will allow you to log in as root in the login page. Fron there, you are God. So be carefull and know what you are doing before committing changes. =================================== Another safer way is to open the terminal and type: >su ... then enter you root password. That will always give you permission to edit all files accessable to root. Ironic ain't it/ You can still bork your install in user environment . ========================== If you want the system to ask for a password on every root command do the fallowing: >sudo command .... then enter you admin password
As domino said above, you have to be root to follow the instructions. It's only then that you have the permission to do what is described in the tutorial.